March 2010
Today an Epic Adventure for me and my companion Daniel happened. We started our Journey with a text message...
From the Amazing princess Susanne Raattamaa. Saying that she was in our dying need, though she would not admit it...
The Amazing Princess Susanne Raattamaa's kingdom, The Crayfish Kingdom, had been robbed by a band of mean thugs...
The mean thugs came over the Caryfish Kingdoms most holy asset... The Holy KebabCrown of heaven, a pricless artifact full of power...
So we my companion and i set out on our quest, to find The Holy Kebabcrown and once again bring justice and peace to the Crayfish Kingdom...
It was a road full of danger, and it was not easy.... We knew we would have to wander for days on end...
after days of wandering, with not much coke left in our last bottle, we finally neared our target...
When we could at last see the mean thugs hideout, a monsterous cave, and we slowly and scarley neared it,me my companion and i.
Inside the cave we found a horrific monster, seems the thugs did not work alone, and so the fight started...
the fight kept on, after manny hits and dodges me my companion and i, finally beat this horrific monster, and found the Holy Kebabcrown...
then we found a very peculiar man, with an equally peculiar accent, who kindly showed us the way to Crayfish Kingdom
after a while of walking we came across anther man with a carrige, who willingly gave us a ride all the way to the walls of the Crayfish Kingdom...
The Amazing Princess Susanne Raattamaa was very pleased witrh me my companion and i's work. She pulled a little smile and looked pleased at me my companion and i.
And so me my companion and i's quest was ACOMPLISHED... THE END Historien om min och Daniels dag.... xP
Den här helgen har varit den underbaraste på flera månader. Ingenting kunde varit bättre, allt var helt enkelt perfekt. Den spenderades med Dominane och kollade på filmen "Young Victorie"... För
Hehe song of the day beskriver hur jag känner, och den här stämmer verkligen in och ja.... den stämmer helt enkelt ^^<3 Förutom "but you did" delen... <3 Song of the Day A Lonely Sepemb
Idag under dagen kommer jag lägga ut en massa dikter jag skrivit mellan den andra mars fram till idag, många av dom är lite små deppiga och skit men vafan sånt får ni ta ^^ Ni behöver ju inte l
Allt du gör, allt du säger. Får mig att tänka på alla underbara grejer. Sättet du går, sättet du pratar. Du ska veta att jag älskar dig så, trots att jag tjatar. Livet med dig är som berg
I... I am the ugly one, and you had me stunned. You... You are the beautiful one, and your lips taste sweeter then rum. I... I believed my dreams, that we'd be togeather, without any screams. Yo