14 February 2007
Ja idag ska jag hylla alla de idioter som umgås med mig och som jag umgås tillbaka med.
men jag tröttnade snabbt så om någon inte är med så.. bad fucking luc
For 17 years I’ve been trying to believe and confide in
Different people I’ve found.
Some of them got closer then others
Some wouldn’t even bother and then you came around
I didn’t rea
Took a car to the part of the city
Where the city runs out of street lights
God knows, it's the way that it goes
That we're never gonna catch any daylight
My little sister's eyes so wide
Oh happy day
Oh happy day
When Jesus washed
When Jesus washed
When my Jesus washed
He washed my sins away
He taught me how
To wash
Fight and pray
Fight and pray
And he taught me
Tied tight to the bed
Legs spread open
Bruised flesh, lacerations
Skin stained with blood
I'm the only one you love
I feel her heart beating
My knife deep inside
Her crotch is bleeding
Now once upon a time not too long ago
A nigga like myself had to strong arm a hoe
This is not a hoe in the sense of havin a pussy
But a pussy havin no God Damn sense, try and push me
I got 99
Tellement loin de ce monde
Tellement loin de ce monde
Tellement loin de ce monde
Du somnar in
Ditt huvud tätt mot rutan
Och vid din kind
fladdrar imman som en dröm
Jag bl
We sail tonight for Singapore
We're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for tawny moor
Took off to the land of Nod
Drank with all the Chinamen
Walked the sewers of Paris
I danced along a
Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
It is so big. *scoff* She looks like,
one of those rap guys' girlfriends.
But, y'know, who understands those rap guys? *scoff*
They only talk to her, beca
Vi är här i dag för att berätta
En liten historia om en växt, inget komplext
en liten extra stimulans som mest.
Distinkt till lukten den är grön och klibbig.
yummy yummy yummy
I'v got love in my tummy and I feel like loving you.
Love your such a sweet thing good enough to eat thing
and thats what Im gonna do!
Och som du skrev
Om din spaning efter friheten
Ord bevingade som fjärilen
Och jag tror att jag förstår
Att långsamt, långsamt, åh så långsamt
guess who? ordlekar is the shit typ.
Tell me something, tell me stupid, will I die, will I die on a rope?
Tell me something, tell me stupid, will I die, will I die?
I wish that you didn't love
Let me take you down, 'cos I'm going to Strawberry Fields
Nothing is real, and nothing to get hungabout
Strawberry Fields forever
Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you
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