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Puffah puffa puffah dags att fylla lungorna , dags att passa zuttlan mellan alla grabbarna pufah puffah puffah ögonen blir röda va ;D :P smooka tha lize peeps ;D
fatta vad kefft med att vara ensam hemma hela helgen / nästa vecka med lille bror pga morsan syrran på sjukan och farsan i gbg =/ fett knas jao >.<
SS18 - satan, Prickar på mil en alltid startklasvass giljotin över sadistiska beats kommando smygattack, mc's i flykten klyvs på mitten dissekerar dess subatomära partiklar till 424 stycken.  
Allt man vill göraär ju bara rökakan inte fucking vänta på att polaren skaskörda. legalizeringen är vad alla vi behöver för vi bara röker röker röker och röker ;)
Hehe har tråkigt som faan aså >,< hatar skolan faan >,<
HeHeHe :P en passande bild för hur lack man är faan >,< ^^ bild brist i skolan oxå faaan :P
[Lyrics] Baby, you know that I miss you, I want to get wit you tonight, But I cannot baby girl, And that's the issue, Girl you know I miss you, I just wanna kiss you, But I can't right now, So baby k
(feat. Arab) You know when you jut get your report card and you have all fs on it you just want to take it back to the teacher and say through some ds on that bitch Ballin! Soulja Boy Up In Da Buildi
It's so blothy true fgs! xP the boss is always up in ya ass full of the shit!
No ofence all, Just wish it was a EMO it would ave been so much easier :P
Jag är en: (kim)Vacker söt Bitch, (berg)Ödla gud porrstjärna katt ^^ haha :P (Färg) som är hög på heroin och sjunger julsånger med en gurka, haha x'D Första bokstaven i ditt förnamn: A - s
I put that battery in his back I'm the reason why he move like that That's my mu'fuckin toy Soldier I tell him pop that gat, he gon' pop that gat You dont wanna play wit my Toy Soldier I say it's on,
Apple have recalled the new prototype of their new model of the iPod Touch for Children - after it was pointed out that iTouch Kids was probably not the best name
Three Irishmen and three Englishmen are travelling by train to a football match in London . At the station, the three English each buy a ticket and watch as the three Irish buy just one ticket between
[Chorus: 50 Cent] My buddy, my buddy Wherever I go, he go My buddy, my buddy Can run for your life on the stick up out the window My buddy, my buddy I lay your ass out mothafucka is simple Stay in yo
Vet inte hur jag lyckades ^^ men fan va alla skratta när jag gjorde dricka x'D hahaha :P
Stuck in tha land betwen the life and heaven, it's called hell. Wtf wank, Wha ya tlkin' shit!? Next time i'll fuck ya up!!! samhällstjänst nu då =/ fett knas! Aja det är som det är >,< Next
Shoot, Stab, Kill mufucka You ain't bout it I don't want ya around, cocksucker Every word out my mouth is felt That uz I pop, them hollow's so hot, yo ass will melt Barber razor in the club, stunt n I
(Light the fire that needs the air) (I won't burn unless your there) Yea, I need you,I need you to hate So I can use it for your anger you know, its very shit, feel this! [Verse 1] America's got a thi
(Light the fire that needs the air) (I won't burn unless your there) Yea, I need you,I need you to hate So I can use it for your anger you know, its very shit, feel this! [Verse 1] America's got a thi
Nykter som faan! ;D dricket bara lite! helt nykter! ;D hahahahahahha :P kla! ga intea ffs
glaset längst till vänster va nattens vodka glas, 5 glas fulla ;D flaskorna är dom 4:a öl jag drack :P har bara 45 kvar ;( och ofc julmust och rom 1,5 liter ;D hehehe, fatta va dragen man fortf ä