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Steelheart - I have actually listened some to this band from Connecticut. It was fun to finally see them live. If you think Bon Jovi has a lot of "uncalled for"-screaming, then you should check this b
Mr Big - What a joy! I've had both these guys on my teenage-walls :) Both Billy and Paul were unbelievably good. Eric didn't sing in-tune..
Mr Big - Paul Gilbert is truly a guitar-god. I was like a wet dream watching him play.
Stryper - Another band I never thought I would ever see live. Aside from their lame conservative christian lyrics (I'm 100% christian remember..) the music was fantastic. Compared to other bands from
Rob Zombie - His techno/industrial-metal doesn't affect me. I think Rammstein does it a lot better. Great show though.
Rob Zombie - Here's the second guitar-god of the day: John 5. He didn't get much space to show his talents. Industrial-metal is usually solo-less. He had a part of his own though and it was truly amaz
Helloween - This is such a great band. Some of the best metal-songs ever made and band that plays like a machine (in the good sense). They should get rid of the clown who is singing. He sucks. Sounds
Whitesnake - Quite good but not as intense as when I last saw them on Sweden Rock. In the picture is guitar-god no 3 of the day: Reb Beach. He is among other things responsible for the way I do two-ha
Whitesnake - The last guitar-god of friday: Doug Aldrich. He's one of my favourites. Very technical and still soulful in his playing. Last time he sounded just like John Sykes, this time he had his ow