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What ilvl for solo raid guide: >> << (Download)
What ilvl for solo raid guide: >> << (Read Online)
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Mar 22, 2016
My ilvl is only 524. With actual SoO gear, and a cloak, gemmed and enchanted, at avg 570ish, I could most likely solo every cata raid boss, mechanics excepted. So, with a decent ilvl, and good managing of CDs, most everything is soloable. For most raids not Cata, I go frost. For ICC some bosses, I go
I assume the guide was simply letting you know if you're trying to get a certain xmog piece you can solo a raid more easily on 10 than 25 while still being able to In order for them to be easy and worth the gold per minute I'd suggest you are 655 ilvl for true solo classes and 630 ilvl for hunters and warlocks.
Sep 3, 2017 Additionally, PvP Power is not counted towards an item's ilvl budget, allowing PvP gear of a given ilvl to provide an advantage in PvP compared to Ilvl is used as a gating requirement when queueing for dungeons, raids and scenarios, and is often used in a similar way by players organising raids.
Any content from Cata (even 25 HC for that sweet, sweet gold) and older (like ICC/Ulduar from WoTLK) will be soloable at maxlvl no matter your gear. For MoP 10 man normal content (namely MSV for Elegon), I'd recommend something above 700, maybe even 710. I guess this applies to all first tier content
I failed hard trying to solo BWD 25H with my DK at 630. Some boss was insta killing me. I just duo them now until i get about 675 ilvl to solo it all. A fresh 100 should try to get ilvl 615 then run LFR thats a free 150g x 3 every week until they get more gear to farm the old raids. More gold the higher the ilvl gets.
TotC can be soloed on normal with a slightly higher Ilvl, ToGC and Icc can easily be two manned on heroic. This is all on 10-man, mind you. Cata wise the 5-mans should also be simple to solo, but the raids are going to require some form of help. You don't need a full raid though for any of them on normal.
I can (mostly, some fights I'm learning/trying ) solo raids up till WoD. (Havent tried them yet. So can't speak for that. ) My shammy is around 845 ilvl. I usually go in with my man for mist of them though. You should be able to get em down easy enough I would think in 5-man gear. permalink; embed; save; give
Who is this guide for? You! You're level 100, you have ilvl 620+ gear, and you want to see how you'll fare in an old raid, if there's anything you need to know before you check it out, and what kind of cool stuff you can get. How has the stat squish affected old raids? Generally old raids are easier with the stat squish and
Just wondering if it is feasible to solo the old Mop raids for transmog and gold Is it too hard at current gear levels or? Considering you can already solo some Dreanor raids I will say yes. Easily. Reply With Quote You can easily 2 man Mythic SoO with most classes at a decent item level, though.