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Tera priest reputation guide: >> << (Download)
Tera priest reputation guide: >> << (Read Online)
To attract the notice of the Valsekyr Hunt, you must demonstrate your abilities by performing quests in Kanstria that offer Valsekyr Hunt reputation points as part
Aside from the zone (yellow) quests you do in the various zones (excluding Velika and the Nexuses), you'll be able to gather reputation points and credits doing
Invalesco quests pay reputation points as well as gold and credits to spend with Urmo and Provelle, Pathfinder Post's Invalesco merchants. They grant green
So I'm trying to quest around Balder's refuge to rep up with hyderad legacy because I quested there before (I'm a geared 65 priest) and I cant find a good guide. Am I doing the right chain to get the hyderad legac dailies.
Unlike other factions, the Hands won't make you do local quests to earn their The Hands of Velika will offer you more quests each day as your reputation level
2- How to level up a Priest/Mystic, from what I've seen trough guides it . Bastion dailies and getting the healing rings from the rep vendor.
Tulpar - Your basic flying mount that you get for free at level 65 if you do . Having Tera Club membership also grants a free mount that you can
She welcomes your aid, which unlocks the first set of daily quests (look for the green Higher reputation levels unlock more Hyderad Legacy quests—and more
15 May 2012 Thread: [Guide] TERA Reputation and Rewards . Tera: Impalor 159 Warrior ~ 156 Priest ~ 156 Lancer dissonance on Steam · Links to the
11 May 2016 For the current TERA: Knockout patch, most healers use Pinnace (Healing) Doing just a few more dailies will get you your second ring, and then you're done! . Do you think Hyderad rings are optimal for mystics/priests?