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Ak 47 assault rifle manual: >> << (Download)
Ak 47 assault rifle manual: >> << (Read Online)
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7 Aug 2017 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY. OPERATOR'S. MANUAL FOR. AK-47. ASSAULT RIFLE. PRODUCED BY 203d MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION 4.1 Loading the magazine; 4.2 Inserting the magazine into the receiver: 4.3 Firing the AK-47; 4.4 Immediate Action; 4.5 Unloading; 4.6 Zeroing.
118389 Complete military technical manual for inspection, maintenance and repair of the AK-47 rifle as well as lists of repair parts and special tools.
Full text of "AK-47 Assault Rifle, Operator's Manual". See other formats. ^m DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PRODUCED BY 203d MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALION TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION I. GENERAL Vi i" = SAFETY CHAPTER LOAHIHt- Checfc anno fs-r desu s in cartxiCi: ^ a^d bud primers.
U.S. Army Operator's Manual for the AK-47 Assault Rifle [Pentagon U.S. Military] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
8 Oct 2012 Dear Internet Archive Supporter, I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We're an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Most can't afford to donate, but we hope you can. If everyone chips in $25, we can keep this going for free. For the price of a book, we
Military Manual - Operator's AK-47 Assault Rifle - This reprinted Army Operator"s Manual for the AK-47 Assault Rifle covers everything you need to know about your AK-47. Each paperback manual has detailed diagrams and illustrations. 39 pages.
AK-47 ASSAULT RIFLE, OPERATOR'S MANUAL FOR (DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY - 203D MILITARY INTELLIGENCE DIVISION)., The AK-47 is a short, compact, selective-fired weapon designed by the Soviets in 1946 which fires a cartridge intermediate in power between a sub-machine gun and rifle cartridges.
The AK-47 was the basis for developing many other types of individual and crew-served firearms. More AK-type rifles have been produced than all other assault rifles combined. [3]". That covers the basics, now here are some more interesting facts from Wikipedia: “The main advantages of the Kalashnikov rifle are its simple
10 Feb 2013 Operators AK-47 Assault Rifle Manual - This reprinted Army Operator's Manual for the AK-47 Assault Rifle covers everything you need to know about your AK-47. Each paperback manual has detailed diagrams and illustrations. 39pp.