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Cmpl assembly instruction x86 or x64: >> << (Download)
Cmpl assembly instruction x86 or x64: >> << (Read Online)
cmp vs cmpl
jle x86
what does cmp mean in assembly
cmpl example
cmovg assembly
subl assembly
jns assembly
cmpl meaning assembly
81 /7 iw, CMP r/m16, imm16, Compare imm16 with r/m16. The condition codes used by the Jcc, CMOVcc, and SETcc instructions are based on the results of a
However, this is not the only syntax that is used to represent x86 operations. GAS instructions generally have the form mnemonic source, destination. fatal error"; you may replace the "-m32" gcc directive with an "-m64" directive to generate 64-bit assembly instead. . cmpl %eax %ebx, compare then set flags.
Review of x86 assembly. • Mostly two operand But a lot of documentation uses Intel syntax. • Examples: cmpl – like subl, but discards subtraction result.
read and understand (most) of the 64bit x86 assembly that gcc Intel and AMD have managed to engineer (at considerable cost) Meaning cmpl %eax %ebx.
8 Mar 2013 cmpl subtracts -0x10(%ebp) from $0x7 and modifies flags: AF CF OF PF SF ZF. if -0x10(%ebp) which is one of your function arguments, equals
9 Jun 2014 I don't think x86 actually has an instruction called CMPL . It's probably part of your assembler syntax to give hints on operands or something
test arg2, arg1, Intel syntax cmp arg2, arg1, GAS Syntax syntax can be rather confusing, as for example cmp $0,
You can find some simple x86 assembly examples below. .section .text if_stmt: cmpl $1, %eax # if (%eax == 1) je then # goto then movl $2, %ebx # else %ebx = 2 Loops can also be implemented with the "loop" instruction. . Note the %edx:%eax notation, where the 64-bit value %edx << 32 | %eax is divided by %ebx
For a complete list, see Intel's instruction set reference. ESP (the stack pointer) is decremented by push since the x86 stack grows down — i.e. The idiv instruction divides the contents of the 64 bit integer EDX:EAX . jne are based on first performing a cmp operation on the desired operands.
26 Oct 2009 How are you able to tell what cmp/cmpl is actually comparing (as in for /assembly-tutorials/21743-intro-intel-assembly-language-part-4-a.html