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All rudiments should be practiced: open (slow) to close (fast) to open (slow) and/or at an even moderate march tempo. * These rudiments are also included in the original Standard 26. American Drum Rudiments. Copyright © 1984 by the Percussive Arts Society™. 110 W. Washington Street, Suite A, Indianapolis, IN 46204.
Home History of N.A.R.D. N.A.R.D. Rudiments Join N.A.R.D. · N.A.R.D. Store N.A.R.D. Gallery N.A.R.D. News and Blog Links. The 13 Essential Rudiments. (required for N.A.R.D. membership). The 13 Rudiments to Complete the. 26 Standard American Drum Rudiments. To join N.A.R.D. click here. N.A.R.D. Rudiments.
rudimental family: Roll Rudiments, Diddle. Rudiments, Flam Rudiments, and Drag. Rudiments. Four jokers are included as well, each containing a brief history of the rudi- ments and how to practice them. Rudiments marked with an asterisk (*) are included in the original Standard 26 American Rudiments. • Name.
By Jeff Strong. Rudiments are drumming exercises to help you develop fluency in a number of sticking patterns. Practicing these exercises builds hand-to-hand coordination and develops a relaxed sound. The following rudiments can be practiced in two ways: Set your metronome (or play along to some music) at a
The 26 Standard. American Drum Rudiments. Page 1. 1 - Long Roll | Double Stroke Roll. 3 - Seven Stroke Roll. 5 - Flam Accent. 7 - Flamacue. 9 - Single Drag. 11 - Double Paradiddle. 13 - Triple Ratamacue. 14 - Single Stroke Roll. 12 - Single Ratamacue. 10 - Double Drag. 8 - Ruff. 6 - Flam Paradiddle. 4 - Flam.
If you're new to rudimental drumming, we'd recommend that you take a few minutes and watch John's video lessons on “How to Learn and Practice the Rudiments" and “The Real Rudiments". Instead of working your way through the rudiments in order that they appear on the list, consider John's “4 Tier" Rudiment Learning
THE ORIGINAL STANDARD 26 AMERICAN DRUM RUDIMENTS. 1) The 'Long Roll. RRLLRRLLetc. 2) The Five Stroke Roll. 3) The Seven Stroke Roll mu. 50!“ mo we w: 4) The Flam. 5) The Flam Tap. 6) The Flam Accent. 7) The Flamacue. 8) The Drag or Half Drag. 9) The Single Drag or. Single Drag Tap. 10) The Double
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*Practice each rudiment slowly. Repeat each exercise 20 times. Focus on proper technique. Increase speed with each repeat*. Original Standard 26 American Drum Rudiments. Ron Sikes. ©2014 Ron Sikes Music * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * Beginning Percussionist