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Focus reporting tool tutorial: >> << (Download)
Focus reporting tool tutorial: >> << (Read Online)
Creating a Free-Form. Report. Describes how to present data in an unrestricted (non- tabular) format. 19. Creating a Graph. Describes the GRAPH facility, which you can use to display data in graph format instead of tabular format. 20. Using SQL to Create. Reports. Describes how to use SQL to retrieve and analyze FOCUS.
Although FOCUS resembles other data access and analysis tools, such as SQL and SAS, it also includes report and chart display and presentation features. It automates the process of identifying files to the operating system, opening the input file, reading the next record, opening the output file, writing the next record, and
9 May 2011 FOCUS Documentation. FOCUS is a non-procedural reporting language that uses simple English-like phrases to generate ad hoc reports. CIRS is currently running FOCUS 7.0.9 on IBM mainframe (S/390). The vendor for FOCUS is Information Builders. An introduction to FOCUS commands is provided in
Information Builders logo, Parlay, PC/FOCUS, SmartMart, SmartMode, SNAPpack, TableTalk, WALDO, Web390,. WebFOCUS and WorldMART are registered trademarks, and iWay and iWay Software are trademarks of Information. Builders, Inc. Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware
Hi there, Femi. We offer a complete range of courses on FOCUS. Here are some courses you can take FOCUS Courses There is also a wealth of information in Documentation Library What are you looking for specifically? Monica Smiler
21 May 1996 March 1997. FOCUS. Reporting System. (FOCUS). PUBLICATION CATEGORY. Reporting. PROCEDURE MANUAL. FOCUS Reporting System (FOCUS) .. FOCUS is a tool for creating reports based on some or all of the data in one or .. described. The ISPF Program Development Facility tutorial pro-.
Business reporting needs are not always simple, so FOCUS TABLE has many sophisticated constructs to serve them, and it is easy to get lost among them, especially for the beginners and occasional WebFOCUS developers. The GUI tools provided with WebFOCUS (Report Assistant, Graph Assistant, and Developer
24 Feb 2012
WebFOCUS is a data extract tool for LU administrators to extract information from Lawson. • Reports are parameter driven and data may be saved in Excel or PDF format. •. Please note: The data contained in WebFOCUS is from the previous day. • WebFOCUS can be used with both Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla