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Using Phonegap Facebook Plugin ->>>
The official plugin for Facebook in Apache Cordova/PhoneGap . Compatibility Cordova >= 5.0.0 cordova-android >= 4.0 cordova-ios >= 3.8 cordova-browser >= 3.6 Phonegap build (use phonegap-version >= cli-5.2.0, android-minSdkVersion>=15, and android-build-tool=gradle), see example here Install Guides iOS Guide Android Guide Browser Guide Troubleshooting Guide F.A.Q. Failure function returns an error String. API Login facebookConnectPlugin.login(Array strings of permissions, Function success, Function failure) Success function returns an Object like: { status: "connected", authResponse: { sessionkey: true, accessToken: " ", expiresIn: 5183979, sig: ".", secret: ".", userID: "634565435" } } Failure function returns an error String. Failure function returns an error String. The PhoneGap Facebook Plugin has been named to the Facebook Technology Partners Program! Check out the plugin repository on Github. Example options: { url: " picture: " } Sample Code facebookConnectPlugin.appInvite( { url: " picture: " }, function(obj){ if(obj) { if(obj.completionGesture == "cancel") { // user canceled, bad guy } else { // user really invited someone :) } } else { // user just pressed done, bad guy } }, function(obj){ // error console.log(obj); } ); Login In your onDeviceReady event add the following var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { console.log("UserInfo: ", userData); } facebookConnectPlugin.login(["publicprofile"], fbLoginSuccess, function loginError (error) { console.error(error) } ); Get Access Token If you need the Facebook access token (for example, for validating the login on server side), do: var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { console.log("UserInfo: ", userData); facebookConnectPlugin.getAccessToken(function(token) { console.log("Token: " + token); }); } facebookConnectPlugin.login(["publicprofile"], fbLoginSuccess, function (error) { console.error(error) } ); Get Status and Post-to-wall For a more instructive example change the above fbLoginSuccess to; var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { console.log("UserInfo: ", userData); facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus(function onLoginStatus (status) { console.log("current status: ", status); facebookConnectPlugin.showDialog({ method: "share" }, function onShareSuccess (result) { console.log("Posted. For example, if 10 people each purchased one item that cost $10 (and passed in valueToSum) then they would be summed to report a number of $100. Events are listed on the insights page Log an Event logEvent(String name, Object params, Number valueToSum, Function success, Function failure) name, name of the event params, extra data to log with the event (is optional) valueToSum, a property which is an arbitrary number that can represent any value (e.g., a price or a quantity). Events are listed on the insights page Log an Event logEvent(String name, Object params, Number valueToSum, Function success, Function failure) name, name of the event params, extra data to log with the event (is optional) valueToSum, a property which is an arbitrary number that can represent any value (e.g., a price or a quantity). #601 Compare This branch is 221 commits ahead, 5 commits behind Wizcorp:master. Sign up . Supported on PhoneGap (Cordova) v3.5.0 and above. Security CheckPlease enter the text belowCan't read the text above?Try another text or an audio captchaEnter the text you see above.Why am I seeing this?Security CheckThis is a standard security test that we use to prevent spammers from creating fake accounts and spamming users.Submit.. Usage This is a fork of the official plugin for Facebook in Apache Cordova that implements the latest Facebook SDK. The currency specification is expected to be an ISO 4217 currency code Sample Code Login In your onDeviceReady event add the following var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { alert("UserInfo: " + JSON.stringify(userData)); } facebookConnectPlugin.login(["publicprofile"], fbLoginSuccess, function (error) { alert("" + error) } ); Get Access Token If you need the Facebook access token (for example, for validating the login on server side), do: var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { alert("UserInfo: " + JSON.stringify(userData)); facebookConnectPlugin.getAccessToken(function(token) { alert("Token: " + token); }, function(err) { alert("Could not get access token: " + err); }); } facebookConnectPlugin.login(["publicprofile"], fbLoginSuccess, function (error) { alert("" + error) } ); Get Status and Post-to-wall For a more instructive example change the above fbLoginSuccess to; var fbLoginSuccess = function (userData) { alert("UserInfo: " + JSON.stringify(userData)); facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus( function (status) { alert("current status: " + JSON.stringify(status)); var options = { method:"feed" }; facebookConnectPlugin.showDialog(options, function (result) { alert("Posted. It includes instructions for using this plugin with iOS and Android devices. We also have few advantages with these social login, such as increased conversion rate, easy to authenticate, no password and much more. Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. These are used during automatic installation. Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 20 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. Email Sign Up or sign in with Google Facebook phonegap + facebook plugin not working Ask Question up vote 0 down vote favorite I know there have been similar questions asked but none of them get addressed to the degree. 534 commits 8 branches 21 releases 41 contributors Java 65.5% Objective-C 30.3% JavaScript 1.8% Shell 0.8% HTML 0.5% Batchfile 0.5% Other 0.6% . You can now have your users directed to the installed Facebook app for single sign-on instead of navigating through the device browser. Aug 3, 2016 Fix link from contributing to troubleshooting Feb 6, 2017 LICENSE 0.3.2 Jul 10, 2013 Added hashtag support (#418) Feb 9, 2017 package.json 1.9.1 Jun 4, 2017 plugin.xml Update plugin.xml to 1.9.1 Jun 4, 2017 . Dismiss Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 20 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. When reported, all of the valueToSum properties will be summed together. The Facebook plugin for Apache Cordova allows you to use the same JavaScript code in your Cordova application as you use in your web application. Example permissions: ["publicprofile", "userbirthday"] Success function returns an Object. View the screencast below to get a quick introduction to the PhoneGap Facebook Plugin and the Scrumptious example application.. Latest commit 0f2b695 Sep 19, 2017 darkovac committed with fredgalvao Fix for facebook-browser.js (#561) … * Update facebook-browser.js * Commens and improvement on FB.login functon Added comments and improved logic to check for response first then or response.status. Adding Plugin Create Facebook ID & Application cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-facebook4 --save --variable APPID="YOURFBAPPID" --variable APPNAME="YOURFBAPPNAME" Example Code function loginWithFB(){ facebookConnectPlugin.login(["publicprofile","email"],function(result){ //calling api after login success facebookConnectPlugin.api("/me?fields=email,name,picture", ["publicprofile","email"] ,function(userData){ //API success callback alert(JSON.stringify(userData)); },function(error){ //API error callback alert(JSON.stringify(error)); }); },function(error){ //authenication error callback alert(JSON.stringify(error)); }); } ReadMore Related Introduction Introduction to Mobile App development What is PhoneGap ? Download Required Softwares Environment Setup for Windows Environment Setup for Mac Create Your First Project & Folder Structure explained Accessing Device Features using Cordova Cordova Events Listeners Cordova Device Plugin Cordova Dialogs and Vibration plugin Cordova Plugin Contacts (Accessing Device Contacts) Cordova Camera Plugin Cordova Plugin Geolocation (Access Users location) Cordova Plugin InAppBrowser Cordova Google Maps Session Storage, Local Storage cordova sqlite storage tutorial Native Storage Sharing content on Social Apps Cordova Push Notification (Phonegap plugin push) Working with Barcode Scanner Display Ads Cordova Google Analytics Integration PayPal Integration Backend Introduction to Backend Parse JSON using Cordova (PhoneGap) Working with PHP & MySQL Firebase Introduction Upload Images using File Transfer Plugin Work with Firebase Authentication Cordova Plugin Facebook Cordova Plugin Google+ PhoneGap Login with PHP & MySQL Publish & Monetization Setup Icon & Splash Screen for PhoneGap or Cordova based Apps Publishing cordova App in Android PlayStore (PhoneGap) Updating App with PlayStore Open All Close All codesundar Build Better apps; Trusted by 11000+ subscribers Popular Courses Ionic Firebase Chat Ionic Uber Clone Help & Support About Contact Facebook Group Social Facebook Twitter Google+ Instagram Copyright 2018 codesundar . more stack exchange communities company blog Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company Business Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us Log In Sign Up . Follow the readme to get started. Logout facebookConnectPlugin.logout(Function success, Function failure) Get Status facebookConnectPlugin.getLoginStatus(Function success, Function failure) Success function returns an Object like: { authResponse: { userID: "12345678912345", accessToken: "kgkh3g42kh4g23kh4g2kh34g2kg4k2h4gkh3g4k2h4gk23h4gk2h34gk234gk2h34AndSoOn", sessionKey: true, expiresIn: "5183738", sig: "." }, status: "connected" } For more information see: Facebook Documentation Show a Dialog facebookConnectPlugin.showDialog(Object options, Function success, Function failure) Example options - Feed Dialog: { method: "feed", link: " caption: "Such caption, very feed." } App request: { method: "apprequests", message: "Come on man, check out my application." } For options information see: Facebook feed dialog documentation, Facebook share dialog documentation Success function returns an Object with postId as String or from and to information when doing apprequest. Failure function returns an error String. If this is not possible then the sign on will degrade gracefully using the standard dialog based authentication. This API allows for additional permission because, unlike login, the Graph API can accept multiple permissions 5a02188284