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The Pacific Full Movie Download 1080p Hd-----------------------------------------DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2hdm -----------------------------------------Based on the accounts of Marines in World War II, this 10-part miniseries follows the intertwined journeys of three U.S. Marines in the Pacific Theater -- Pfcs. Robert Leckie and Eugene B. Sledge and Sgt. John Basilone -- from their first battle against Japan on Guadalcanal, across the sands of Iwo Jima and the horror of Okinawa, to their ultimately triumphant return after V-J Day.The Pacific Theatre of World War II, as seen through the eyes of several young Marines.This is another masterpiece from the makers of Band of Brothers! HBO has the market of best original films and The Pacific, is no exception. The Battle scenes are beyond compare to other films in the Genre and I really can't consider this, or Band of Brothers as a mini-series because they are too good to be slapped with that moniker.
As good as The Pacific was, it failed in just one or two areas that Band of Brothers did not. First, I felt the cast in this one just wasn't as good as its European Theater of War counterpart. Don't get me wrong the acting was good, very solid, but if you look around the guys from B.O.B. are everywhere now, that attest to its acting.
Secondly, B.O.B. focused a a small group of soldiers throughout whereas Pacific just focuses on individual soldiers, and then half way through decides on 2. I understand why, that was more of a reality of the war issue, not with the makers.
I wanted to say I didn't really like the snippets of the homefront in this one, but it was completely warranted and I applaud them for Highlighting a National Hero and Congressional Medal of Honor recipient.
If you like War flicks this is a must!I won't give it a 10, just because I know some of it is not factual - but I only learned that after reading Leckie's and Sledge's books.
Many folks will post on IMDb that this series doesn't compare to BOB for whatever reason - not following the same group of soldiers or too much time in Australia or whatever. The fact is, Spielberg and Hanks did an EQUALLY good job at representing what the authors for both of these wonderful series wrote. The Pacific is 90% accurate to the books. The only creative liberty they have taken with both series is combining the actions of many soldiers into fewer characters. Everything - EVERYTHING - you see actually happened in history. That is an amazing feat.
I find people that knock this series (no one seems to knock BOB, even though it has exactly the same amount of creative liberty) to be missing the point. Yeah, as entertainment, it has some down points. But it's not meant to be just a show to watch with the family. It's real history. It shows the ups and downs of a front line soldier's life in a way that those of us who have never been there can NEVER understand.
If you don't get it, read the books. For BOTH series. It adds SO much.Although it is possible that a few actors who had small non-reoccurring roles in the "Band of Brothers" series will make an appearance in "The Pacific", it is highly unlikely. This is mostly due to the fact that it is totally different true account of Marines experiences in WWII and that reusing certain actors may take away from the credibility of the series. Producers do not want any confusion to take place, and this is entirely possible if the viewer recognizes a face and assumes he is the same character from "Band of Brothers".
Freddie Joe Farnsworth, a stuntman who who had two minor roles in the third and sixth episodes of "Band of Brothers" will appear in "The Pacific." In war the first source of valuable loot comes from dead comrades, and secondly from dead civilians. Valuable objects such as wristwatches are usually of use to the enemy, therefore they should be taken. Obviously gold was a strategic resource during the war. Civilians in combat areas often carry their total wealth in banknotes, and again it was better for this to be recovered from the dead and used. Thefts by everyone from everyone is common in war zones, and especially from vehicles, even tanks, as they carry all sorts of interesting things.
It was a common grisly practice of American marines fighting in the Pacific, and there is documentation that it happened (see below). The obvious reason would be for the gold's value & the potential money to be gained from trading it during or after the war, however, there may be a symbolic or thematic meaning in it too, the concept of collecting a trophy from those you've conquered. A similar scene takes place in the movie The Thin Red Line (1998) which is about the Army mop-up actions some months later after the initial Marine invasion of Guadalcanal in August 1942.
There is some documentation that it took place. Robert Leckie writes in his book, Helmet for my Pillow, that there was one Marine who did go around taking the gold teeth out of dead Japanese soldiers' mouths. He kept them in a bag around his neck. He never really explains why the man did it, but as stated above, it would have been worth a lot of money. Many of the Marines fighting in the Pacific wanted "trophies" and yes, gold teeth were just another trophy.
(In the book, he refers to another Marine doing this, but not Snafu. Several smaller characters were amalgamated into Snafu for the purposes of the series.)
However, Marine practices such as this were in response to initial Marine encounters with Japanese atrocities committed against captured Marines. Marines were often tortured, mutilated, and dismembered by Japanese soldiers upon capture, and some strung up alive for bayonet practice. As a result, Marines showed no mercy as none was shown to them. The pistol is a Nambu Type 14, a common one carried by Japanese officers. (It's German counterpart in Europe was the Luger P08. Both pistols were highly prized by American soldiers, the Luger more so. GI's like Leckie would often trade them for anything, including favors, which is why Leckie gives the 14 he had to Dr Grant; Grant allowed Leckie to return to his unit before his recovery was done.
In Leckie's memoir "Helmet for My Pillow" the pistol was not in the chest he found on Gloucester. Another Marine had a run-in with an officer and stole the trophy sidearm back from the officer, giving it to Leckie right before he left Pavuvu so he wouldn't be caught with it. Leckie did point it at the orderly to scare him after he was ordered to strip and hand in his razor blades and belt, but when the doctor expressed an interest in the handgun however, Leckie explained to him that it wasn't his to sell. Yes. The primary sources for the screenplay were Robert Leckie's book Helmet for my Pillow (1954) and Eugene Sledge's book With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa (1981). They were re-released to coincide with the release of the miniseries in Spring 2010 & are still available.
For John Basilone's story, the book Red Blood, Black Sand by Chuck Tatum was used. Tatum was at the Battle of Iwo Jima that claimed the life of Basilone in 1945 and had been friends with Basilone since boot camp.
RV Burgin's book Islands of the Damned (2010), is based on his experiences on Okinawa, Pavuvu and Pelilieu. It is currently available as well, and the author is portrayed later in the series by Martin McCann. In 1937 the US armed forces adopted the 8-shot semi-automatic M1 Garand rifle as their standard weapon. However distribution was slow and by the time the US entered the war in December 1941 most US forces were still using the 5-shot bolt-action Springfield rifle which had been in use since 1903, including the Marines at Guadacanal. The Army reinforcements which arrived in Guadacanal were equipped with the M1 and afterwards the Marines swapped their Springfields for them. However production of new Springfields continued until February 1944 and some units such as the military police continued using them until the very end of the war. a5c7b9f00b http://telegra.ph/Beyond-Westworld-Full-Movie-In-Hindi-Free-Download-Hd-1080p-09-18 http://www.nookl.com/article/335443/chor-lauheung-full-movie-kickass-torrent https://www.causes.com/posts/4963483 http://www.animalfinder.co.uk/en/news/view/id/284002 http://www.gyvunupaieska.lt/en/news/view/id/284004 http://dayviews.com/cracinen/526824649/ https://www.causes.com/posts/4963482 https://www.causes.com/posts/4963480 http://www.nookl.com/article/335441/in-gods-hands-full-movie-with-english-subtitles-online-download https://www.causes.com/posts/4963478