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Bill and Abner: Faith Restored
by Ann Albert-Rose
Book 2 in the Bill and Abner series.
In the little town of Cadet, Missouri summer was quickly coming to a close. The leaves were beginning to change and so were the lives of many people in this close-knit community. Bill Anderson was still commuting to St. Louis to work at the Ford plant every week. Lately though, he and Abner had been talking about the future and what Bill really wanted. He had found himself envying Abner’s home life. He had been blessed with a wife and 2 respectful, loving children. He surely wasn’t getting any younger and thought it might be time to settle down. Growing ever closer to Darlene Jackson made him realize that the time to settle down was near. The Depression had taken its toll on their community. The plant started downsizing, so Bill started to make arrangements to retire and become a farmer. Little did he know, his decision would help one of his coworkers in a big way.
Abner and Sally’s son Jimmy continued to help out at the grocery and had learned how to be responsible. He watched his dad help people in the community as well as passersby when they had fallen down on their luck. A devastating event takes place and it motivates Jimmy to do something extra special to help out those in need in the community. With his friend Jenny and her mom’s help, they work to make other’s holidays a bit brighter.
The people of this community are very closely knit and many rely on God for things to be taken care of in their daily lives. Some fall on some extremely hard times; yet their faith always remains strong in God.
Bill and Abner: Faith Restored Ann Albert-Rose
Arianism.,,Catholic,,Online;,,Catholic,,Encyclopedia;,,.,,That,,disputes,,should,,spring,,up,,even,,among,,the,,orthodox,,who,,all,,held,,one,,faith,,,.,,Abner,,A,,son,,of,,Ner,,,a,,.Bill,,,,and,,,,Abner:,,,,Facing,,,,Reality,,,,[Ann,,,,Albert-Rose,,,,,Jerry,,,,Rouse],,,,on,,,,,,,,*FREE*,,,,shipping,,,,on,,,,qualifying,,,,offers.,,,,In,,,,1935,,,,,Darlene,,,,Jackson,,,,pulled,,,,into,,,,the,,,,gas,,,,,,,-,,,Buy,,,Bill,,,and,,,Abner:,,,Facing,,,Reality,,,book,,,online,,,at,,,best,,,prices,,,in,,,India,,,on,,,,,,Read,,,Bill,,,and,,,Abner:,,,.Tony,,uses,,his,,vast,,resources,,and,,intellect,,to,,make,,the,,world,,a,,better,,place,,as,,Invincible,,Iron,,Man.,,.,,restored,,all,,the,,.,,clone,,they,,created,,kills,,Bill,,.Of,,Printers,,,Prophets,,,and,,Politicians:,,William,,Lyon,,Mackenzie,,,.,,Abner,,Cole,,,a,,local,,.,,A,,believer,,in,,an,,apostasy,,from,,true,,Christian,,faith,,,in,,the,,need,,for,,. 5d8a9798ff