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The Fight Within Movie Free Download Hd
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r0j54
Logan Chandler, a young MMA fighter seeks to overcome a troubled past and build a new life based on a new faith and a new found love, but is forced back into the fighting world by Hayden Dressler, a local MMA professional.
Where to begin... This film was somehow unpredictable while at the same time being incredibly predictable but in the best way possible. Straight from the jump literally seconds into this breathing piece art you're made instantly aware that something is here is wrong... so very wrong but somehow also very, very right.
That is because as the movie goes on you realize it is not the film that is doing something incorrect, no rather it is you the viewer who is at fault. That in a nutshell is the beauty behind this film, it somehow keeps you guessing to the point where even when you know what's going to happen the impact of the scene seems to heighten rather than diminish. Which is so totally opposite of what one would usually expect but that again is the beauty behind this movie.
If you're looking for a film filled with breathtaking fights, heart stopping drama, and scenes that are literally bordering on the divine... watch this movie.
I really wanted to like this movie. I like to support Christian movies. But there is one word that came to mind while watching this movie was "cheesy". The acting was not all that good. I like talking about God, Christ all The time, but in this movie it was just strange. The MMA angle was weird. The MMA wasn't really that big part of the movie. It doesn't help that you don't like the main character.
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