Saturday 17 March 2012 photo 5/53
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•Pix, Faerie Companion (Passive) - Pix fires magical bolts of energy whenever his owner attacks another enemy unit. These bolts are homing, but can be intercepted by other units.
•Glitterlance - Pix and Lulu each fire a bolt of magical energy that heavily slows all enemies it hits. An enemy can only be damaged by one bolt.
•Whimsy - If cast on an ally, grants them movement speed and ability power for a short time. If cast on an enemy, turns them into an adorable critter that can't attack or cast spells.
•Help, Pix! - If cast on an ally, commands Pix to jump to an ally and shield them. He then follows them and aids their attacks. If cast on an enemy, commands Pix to jump to an enemy and damage them. He then follows them and grants you vision of that enemy.
•Wild Growth (Ultimate) - Lulu enlarges an ally, knocking enemies away from them and granting them a large amount of bonus health. For the next few seconds, that ally gains an aura that slows nearby enemies.
nya support champen :3
många har säkert redan sett men vad tycker ni alla om henne? :D
instant buy för mig c:

Sat 17 Mar 2012 08:13
Jag är allmänt rädd att det kan bli några ändringar, de föregående åren har de varit tidiga med första aprilskämten. Har inte sett något sådant än.
Men det är bara en allmänt jobbig känsla jag fått av detta, annars så älskar jag henne, instant buy!
Men det är bara en allmänt jobbig känsla jag fått av detta, annars så älskar jag henne, instant buy!
Emil! Holm
Sat 17 Mar 2012 02:52
du kan spela henne ap for hon kan döda minon waves ganska lätt med hennes Q
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