Monday 13 August 2012 photo 6/30
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They told me it was to late, that i couldn't make it, they said i was nothing, that i simply could not win anymore, that i was about to lose.
You know what i did? I admitted, i wasn't the best, i wasn't super good, but i told them one thing, that i have something they don't have, i have a pure heart, and that heart would keep beating and beating untill the very end, and thus i picked up malady and for the noble kingdom of demacia, i ran into battle, stole their baron mid-air with my might ult smite and turned the game. GG'S!

Mon 13 Aug 2012 02:55
Haha ja det e ju bra till honom. Och din fierd tar ju magic dmg så. Ja kan väll funka. Men det e nog inte många som skulle köpa det. O fortsätt inte köpa det. Folk har en tendens till att klaga.

Mon 13 Aug 2012 02:59
Jag vet. Men man vet aldrig, man kanske känner för att prova igen. ^^

Mon 13 Aug 2012 02:05
Köp inte Malady, annars var det helt OK. :]

Mon 13 Aug 2012 18:10
Varför ens hoppa in i ett redan dött argument? och om du helt ärligt tycker det måste du ju vara helt efterbliven.
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