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superfish.js file=========> Download Link = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The code: The simplest use, and a good starting point for new users: the CSS files for this menu type --> superfish.css"> JavaScript files (hoverIntent is optional) --> you use hoverIntent, use the updated r7 version (see FAQ) --> <script. A demonstration of Superfish, a jQuery plugin by Joel Birch that creates Suckerfish-style dropdown menus with added features. Now touch-friendly! GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 80 million projects. hoverIntent.minified.js sites/all/libraries/superfish/sftouchscreen.js sites/all/libraries/superfish/supersubs.js sites/all/libraries/superfish/supposition.js sites/all/libraries/superfish/sfsmallscreen.js. Note that is is NOT good enough to give the path to the superfish library directory. You must list each js file it's looking for. (This is. I found that superfish appears to work fine until you really dig into the functionality and theming and then I found that many things were not working as they should. I didn't get it all working until I declared all the js files under the superfish config window as follows: sites/all/libraries/superfish/superfish.js ... going to use the jQuery Easing plugin. Drupal 6 Superfish library 1.x jQuery 1.3.x or higher, through the jQuery_update module v2.x Recommended additions: Libraries module jQuery Easing plugin (note that the file has to be renamed to jquery.easing.js before being uploaded to sites/all/libraries/easing) First, some suggestions: When developing a page, add your JavaScript and CSS in small chunks so your page/site doesn't grow to an unmanageable size before you understand what's going on. When adding something new, sometimes it's helpful to add the CSS in the tag. Then ensure the problem isn't caused by a. Step 2 File Structure. Copy the CSS and JS to the theme's folder. For our tut, the target is the twentyeleven folder. The directory names are superfish-css and superfish-js . If you are getting alert message while loading the page then your Drupal and Javascript are working properly together. That said, the problem you are facing with DOM elements, in your case #previous-arrow and #next-arrow, not loading when Jquery function executes is true. To overcome that you have to execute your. Free download page for Project ARMTECMS's superfish.js.sistema para gestão de conteudo de websites. sfHover selector. To make this step easy, there are cross-browser CSS files for a variety of menu types available in the download section of this site. Link to the superfish.js file using a script tag in the head of your document. javascript" src="superfish.js">; Call superfish() on the containing ul element. Superfish.js problems include application errors, missing files, and possible virus infection. Here are the top five most common Superfish.js problems and how to fix them... Steps. Drupal 7.x: Bring in plugin files. Once all plugin files are downloaded, grab those you need and put them into your theme directory. The structure should look something like this: mytheme/ css/ [file] superfish.css js/ [file] hoverIntent.js [file] superfish.js images/ .. whatever images you need here. (Of course the file names. This technique is always the way to go when you use the same JavaScript code on more than one page of a site. 9. Create a new, empty file named site.js and save it in the superfish folder inside the chapter08 folder. Although you've been working with multiple external files like jquery.js and superfish.js, you'll probably. ... on window.unload (due to paranoia) v1.4.2: 3rd July 2008. added semi-colon at start of superfish.js file to avert script concatenation errors added pathLevels option to limit the depth of submenus that get restored by pathClass CSS of main example hugely simplified - other example CSS files less-so. - top level menu items. It's really easy to make flyout menus with the Superfish jQuery plug-in. It's also very easy to cache the menu structure into a separate Javascript file, as shown in this post, so it doesn't add extra weight to the webpages as they are served. The Javascript file containing the meun will be cached which helps to. Dejan Markovic. Please download the archive and unpack it. There is a bunch of files and folders there, and we only need superfish.min.js, which is available at dist/js folder. In order to use this, we should copy and paste that file in our theme's js folder. Now, we should load that file the same way that we load other .js files,. I would like to make my primary nav instantly appear. I notice the superfish.js file, but I believe generatepress/js/scripts.js will be used instead. What do I need to change to get results? I found this post on the forums, but I wasn't able to find the results. jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $('.main-nav >. Use wp_enqueue_script() , hooked in via an appropriate action hook callback. wp_enqueue_script( // Script handle 'someScript', // URL get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/someScript.js', // Dependencies array( 'jquery' ), // Version '2.4', // Output in footer? false );. For example: function. Download the superfish.js and hoverIntent.js files and save them to a relevant location within your theme. I have created a directory called 'includes' for files such as this. Now link these files in the head section of your theme, just below php wp_head(); ?> using script tags. ? version 2.1.2 * header.php - Added dropdowns to navigation * style.css - Added styling for new dropdown menus * includes/js/superfish.js - Added superfish js file * includes/js/menu.js - Added menu js file * includes/theme-js.php - Included superfish file in theme 2009.08.30 - version 2.1.1 * /functions/* - Core. Index of /us/dir/files/tmp/1378254830/superfish/blocks/superfish/js. Name · Last modified · Size · Description · Parent Directory, -. superfish.js, 2013-09-03 20:33, 3.6K. Superfish is a really nice solution for dropdown menus using css, valid xhtml and JavaScript which degrades gracefully if JavaScript is not available.. and replaced (function($){})(jQuery); with jQuery(function($){}); syntax so the script does not conflict with collective.carousel (when both are merged to the same file by. There are a number of methods of doing this, but as an example, I'm going to use a jQuery plugin called Superfish.3 This plugin simply enhances the CSS menu you've already. sfHover ul { margin-left: 0; } Download Superfish, add the superfish.js file to your site, and then add the JavaScript to the head of your document:. Superfish is an enhanced Suckerfish-style menu jQuery plugin that takes an existing pure CSS drop-down menu (so it degrades gracefully without JavaScript) and a lot of the much-sought-after. We should include jQuery framework and superfish.js by pointing src attribute in the script tag to the .js files ?$ul);});; Then, I went to admin/config/user-interface/superfish (you may have to give yourself the right permissions to configure Superfish) and deleted these files from the “Path to Superfish library" text box: jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js jquery.bgiframe.min.js. Most of the other solutions out there. I have a couple of sites Using Thematic with a child theme. Many of them after the WordPress 3.6 upgrade give me an error on the superfish.js file and my drop menus don't display anymore. Is there any known issues with Thematic and 3.6 compatibility? *** ERROR Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read. Also be sure jquery.js being loaded before plugin js . If problem persists post a link. You can put your function calls into external js file to simplify script management. Re: Superfish - Menu put in Master page ( MVC) doesn't behave ok in content pages, HariOm, 7/7/09 7:38 PM. Charlie, yes you are. What makes the superfish a very good plugin is that it doesn't specify or affect the layout/style of the menu itself, that's the CSS's job. That's why when you download the plugin with its example, you get one javascript file(superfish.js) which is responsible of the effect of showing/hiding menu items; and. script ($('ul.sf-menu').superfish();) in site.Master page and it will be there in all pages and I don't need to call this script on every page. but It seems that I was wrong. Any advice? Lastly, I am not sure about " You can put your function calls into external js file to simplify script management". Is this something. Thanks all for your great effort. At last,I have sorted out the problem. Actually problem occurred due to spjs-utility.js file was not published. So that for read permission it was not available to the user. Once I have published the file now it is working perfectly. @sadomovalex thank for your helpful suggessions. Ritratto di sklaxdix. Ciao morettolss, grazie per avermi risposto. ho caricato il file ..superfish.js ma mi dava errore e ho caricato tutti i file all'interno della cartella: sites/all/libraries/superfish/jquery.hoverIntent.minified.js sites/all/libraries/superfish/jquery.bgiframe.min.js sites/all/libraries/superfish/superfish.js If you are using the in built javascript compression for your Zen Grid Framework file you will notice that all of the javascript that is rendered from the framework is. templates/zengridframework/js/effects/slide.js; templates/zengridframework/js/menus/superfish.js; templates/zengridframework/js/menus/accordionmenu.js. Upload all the files to a document library, or put it in a folder on the root of your site with SharePoint Designer. I have referred only the file “superfish.js" in this CEWP code example, but read the instructions on the superfish site to learn how to use the “hoverIntent.js and the other files included. so go to your superfish.js file and look for (on line 19). menuArrowClass: 'sf-arrows'. change to. menuArrowClass: ''. now all the arrows are gone. the thing is that there are no arrows on the main/first categories to show that there are subcategories. sure not the cleanest way to do it but easy. Edited December 6, 2013 by Tsimi. The first step is to simply visit the SuperFish download page and download your code. I suggest just downloading the .ZIP file that includes everything you need. There is also a Github page I recommend you bookmark in case you need any extra help or you have any issues with the js script you can post. set the directory holding the superfish files. $sf_dir = trailingslashit( get_stylesheet_directory_uri() ) . 'sf/' ;. // don't do this if you can help it. $reload_jquery = false;. if ( $reload_jquery ) {. wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );. wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' , . $sf_dir . 'jquery-1.8.1.min.js' , 'json2' , '1.8.1' );. }. ... functions.php - update version of jquery.custom.js file to 1.2 - update version of superfish.js - fixed single image galleries from breaking slideshow - enqueue jquery-migrate for future proofing * post-meta.php - minor formatting * portfolio-meta.php - minor formatting * page-meta.php - minor formatting * superfish.js - update. The Superfish add-on creates a JavaScript drop-down navigation menu for your site.. To get started, copy each file you need to edit out of its default location (/packages/superfish/blocks/superfish) and into a new directory in your site's blocks folder (/blocks/superfish/). concrete5 will override the default. The arrows are added by javascript and you control whether they are displayed or not by using a js initialisation file or editing the main js file (not recommended). e.g. autoArrows: false jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery('ul.sf-menu').superfish({ delay: 1000, // one second delay on mouseout. superfish.js (jquery file that adds dropdown and animation). [/plain]. Remember where you placed this folder as you will need to add your absolute URL's to the HTML markup for all links, JS and CSS files. [box style="blue"]Please note that the code I'm showing you is all you will need for the menu to work. A free, fast, and reliable CDN for superfish. Superfish is a jQuery plugin that adds usability enhancements to multi-level drop-down menus. Fully supports touch devices and keyboard interaction. Index of /files/trash/superfish_20130425140504/blocks/superfish/js. Parent Directory · superfish.js. Apache Server at Port 443. I needed a simple menu system and I've used the Superfish jquery library before. I did merge it. the following is only necessary if you want to merge css and js with grocery crud.. Thats a superfish (the jQuery lib) image directory - the use of files in there is according to the superfish css files from Joel Birch. ... can use the jQuery SuperFish plugin with the mojoPortal CMS SiteMenu and PageMenu controls. To use SuperFish, you must add the UseSuperFish="True" property to your menu controls, include some javascript in your layout.master and copy the CSS from the stylemenu.css file in the mitchinson-earthy. Upload superfish.js (at a minimum) to your javascript folder. Upload superfish.css and superfish-vertical.css or superfish-navbar.css to your templates Styles CSS folder. Edit your HTMLHead.html Panel file (either under _master/Panels or your templates own if it exists), and add the following code (I don't. After you have selected the theme and downloaded it, you should have a file like this " ". Extract it. images; js. hoverIntent.js; jquery.bgiframe.min.js; jquery-1.9.1.min.js; jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom.min.js; superfish.js; supersubs.js. example.html. Now we have all stuffs that we need. Index of /files/trash/superfish_20140313174525/blocks/superfish/js/. Name Last modified Size Description. up Parent Directory 11-Mar-2014 14:08 - [HTM] superfish.js 11-Mar-2014 14:08 4k. Proudly Served by LiteSpeed Web Server at Port 80. You then need to extarct the archive and rename the folder to superfish and move it to sites/all/libraries, so the js files should be under the path sites/all/libraries/superfish/sfsmallscreen.js. 5. Clear the Drupal cache from admin/config/development/performance. 6. Navigate to admin/structure/block, you should find 4 blocks. Since we've already enqueued enquire.js all we have to do is make some small changes to the /js/superfish-settings.js file: /* Custom Superfish settings */ jQuery(document).ready(function($){ var sf= $('ul.nav-menu'); enquire.register("screen and (min-width:600px)", { // Triggered when a media query. v1.6.7 (2013-03-27). Fix bugs. v1.6.2 (2013-03-25). Fix issue #30 regarding submenus flashing open and closed under certain conditions in Firefox. Remove bgiframe JS file as part of degraded IE6 support. v1.6.0 (2013-03-22). Refactor CSS to allow unlimited menu-tiers without needing to add extra CSS. README. Superfish library About: ------ This is the Superfish library for the 8.x branch of the Superfish module of the Drupal CMS. Important: ---------- Do not modify any files of the Superfish library. Content: --------- - superfish.js -- The jQuery Superfish plug-in version 1.4.8. -- It is slightly. If you don't have the libraries directory yet, please create it; Download the jQuery Easing plugin (optional but recommended); Uncompress it too to your [DRUPAL_ROOT]/libraries directory. Rename both directories, so that you have the following file/folder structure: Superfish module file structure. Requirements::javascript('mysite/javascript/lib/superfish.js'); Requirements::javascript('mysite/javascript/lib/hoverIntent.js'); Requirements::javascript('mysite/javascript/lib/jsjquery-1.2.6.min.js'); Requirements::customScript(" $(document).ready(function() { $('ul.sf-menu').superfish(); }); ");. It doesn't seem to. SharePoint. In addition to the above two main JS files, we will also make use SPjs-utility.js file to setup the navigation menu. Superfish.css is the css file that will add the custom styling to the navigation menu.The files used in the demo are zipped and uploaded along with this article. The contents of the file. Hi,. We are using Autoptimize plugin to combine JS and CSS files to improve the site performance, but the there are couple of JS files from Pagelines that crash when included in the plugin. (superfish.js, pl.tangram.js, meganav.js). Can you recommend a way to include these JS files that won't crash the. This plugin inserts lines to load JavaScript and CSS files into the rendered HTML. By default, those lines are inserted at the beginning of the tag content. That's fine for the skins bundled with TWiki releases. But you may want to specify where to insert those lines. In that case: Put at. Superfish requires three includes to work properly: jQuery, hoverIntent, and Superfish. jQuery and hoverIntent are already packaged in WordPress so we do not need to download these libraries. You will need to download Superfish. Once you have downloaded Superfish, copy the superfish.min.js file to. I am running the Superfish menu and trying to get the following jquery code to work with Smarty. It appears the code is having. More info. I call Superfish using the basic code below but it will not work.. Figured it out. my jsquery.mim.js was interfering with the effect.js file from scriptulaous. I upgraded to the. Buy Dynamic CSS & JS Minifier by sheikhwaqas on CodeCanyon. This package provides you two very simple scripts that enable you to load multiple CSS & JavaScript files as a co.... Online Demo. Demo URL :,highslide,superfish. Demo URL.