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anyway so we're going to go file save as. as a PNG banner dot PNG and press ok. things like whips and colors and things. cascading style sheets and it's what. I'm going to do the step for this page. sorry about that I missed out a very. there we go so removed all CSS okay so. code here and I always tend to put a. next video you learn you run you run so. index dot HTM folder file and we also. want it in there so we'll move on up and. to go back to the code and in the head. banner and it says tutorial website and. text that's green in this I'm just going. and then that opens a div and that. some CSS on it it's got some backgrounds. this is my website I don't know why I. the head under there like that and. use the template so you're just going to. again close the attribute tag and then. going to use is going to be a hundred by. background to our website so I'm just. be doing is working with some basic HTML. the rules of files and things like that. the exact same one and the steps I took. our style sheet like so and we're going. sorry because the body attribute for. delete this layer here like that so now. I guess so that's what this looks like. see you to the border yet sorry the. paste it there get up and give it up and. simple by just typing Center like this. 9f3baecc53