Wednesday 23 August 2017 photo 1/2
Ocean Man Spongebob Voice Crack While Singing >>>
They resist revealing anything about their experiences on the island, then it is revealed to be a test and the two are invited to join MonarchCredits roll, and when they're done? Turns out dear Uncle Pey'j has developed the DomZ disease in his handThe first shows Elma and a small team of Reclaimers checking on the data room of the Lifehold Core only to find the entire thing has been trashed since the landed on Mira, leaving them questioning how any of them are alive in the first placeWith their new counterparts, no lessRatchet: Deadlocked has DrOccasionally some Reddit Polandball comics will have stingers in the comments sectionIn Portable Ops, after assassinating his former employer, the DCI, Ocelot retrieves the remainder of the Philisopher's Legacy and reports back to his new employer, the founder of the Patriots, whom we find out in the next game is none other than Zero, Big Boss's former COIt was usually a fragment of a TV Show, Film or Music track that he was talking about in the episode itselfVolume 2 ends with Yang meeting Raven Branwen, her missing mother, in the grounds of BeaconJackson) makes an appearanceBoth Jet Set Radio games have one last transmission from Professor K following the credits1 plays a two second outtake of The Bride plucking out an eyeAlso, Garter spontaneously dies for no reason, then comes back to life for no reasonYou can unravel part of the mystery yourself while waiting for 3! Fire Emblem Awakening ends with a cutscene that is, scene-for-scene, the same as the cutscene where Chrom and Lissa find the AvatarIt also has a Sequel Hook in the form of the game's title with a checkmark next to itIn Castlevania: The Adventure, after the end credits roll, we see Dracula bust out of the ruins of his castle in bat formIn Dead Space 2, after Isaac wins the battle against Nicole, he snaps back to reality and looks around in shock before sitting down, exhausted and defeated, as the computer system announces that a facility-wide failure is imminentIt was originally supposed to be a stinger, but Executive Meddling pushed it forward 43b42fc606