21 July 2007
today i was in the parc with my friends lena, emily, tara sasha and sarah. x) we have much fun there and eat and listen to music and so. not healthy, we eat chips but it's saturday. ^_^'
today my dad go to japan. -___-' i also want to come. but he can't bring me or anybody.
this weekend my mum is also with here friend in düsseldorf (TOKIO HOTEL IS THERE o_O) so my brother watch us. wuaha. we can do what we want. and my brother will have a partei for some people, hauspartei ja. x''D it will be chaos i think because it always chaos.
we'll see what people come to the partei. i hope they not come in to my room. wuaha. but i have not a lock on my door. x___X*
i also don't go to the club tonight because nobody can come and get us and the train will not go all night. -___-' so we are not happy. but now we make partei hier so it's okey. wuaha. x''D
muuch fuun. x''D
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