Friday 25 December 2009 photo 1/1
Scientists have pointed to scope of Santa's task as evidence of the preposterousness of the Santa legend. Taking advantage of the earth's rotation and the resulting time zones, Santa would have 31 hours to complete visits along a nearly 212,030,000 miles (341,230,000 km) long route which equates a speed of 6,650,000 miles per hour (10,700,000 km/h) or approximately 3,000 times the speed of sound or nearly 200 times the speed of the Voyager 1 spacecraft, the fastest man made object ever built. Assuming each child receives a single gift weighing an average of 2 pounds each, the payload would be 321,300 tons. Reindeer are capable pulling an average of 300 pounds (140 kg) each, making Santa's team of 9 reindeer over 2.1 million short. 700 exajoules of energy would be required to move this payload the equivalent of 11.7 million atomic bombs the size of the one which exploded over Hiroshima.
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