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1 May 1980 A new, user-oriented language, the Building Description Language, has been written to describe a building and its operation. DOE-2 includes: a Building Description Language (BDL) program to analyze the input instructions, perform data assignments and data retrieval, and control the operation of the
A. DOCUMENTATION •. DOE-2 REFERENCE MANUAL. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Part 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Volume I - Users GuidelBDL Summary. Volume II - Sample Run Book. . .•.. Volume III - Reference Manual (Parts 1 and 2). Volume IV - Engineers Manual. B. PROGRAM PACKAGE . C. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. eScholarship at UC Berkeley · UC Davis · UC Irvine · UCLA · UC Merced · UC Riverside · UC San Diego · UCSF · UC Santa Barbara · UC Santa Cruz · UC Office of the President · Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory · UC Agriculture & Natural Resources
DOE-2. Building Energy Use and Cost Analysis Tool. The Industry Standard DOE-2 is a widely used and accepted freeware building energy analysis program that can predict the energy use and cost for all types of buildings. DOE-2 uses a description of the building layout, constructions, usage, conditioning systems
DOE-2 STAFF PERSONNEL. PARTICIPANTS. . •. STATUS - MAY 1981 . I. INTRODUCTION. I!. 1. DOCUMENTATION. 2. 3. 4. 1.1 Volume I - Users Guide/BDL Summary. 1.2 Volume II - Sample Run Book •..•. 1.3 Volume III - Reference Manual (Parts 1 and 2). 1.4 Volume IV - Engineers Manual. 1.5 Site Manuals. PROGRAM
DOE-2 BDL Summary, User's Guide (Volume 1) and DOE-2 BDL Summary, Version 2.1A, User's Guide Errata and Addenda; DOE-2 Sample Run Book (Volume 2); DOE-2 Reference Manual, Part 1 (Volume 3) and Version 2.1A Replacement; DOE-2 Reference Manual, Part 2 (Volume 4) and Version 2.1A Addenda.
27 Oct 2014 The 2.1A Reference Manuals suffer from the same problem of being out of date, although the 2.1E Supplement does a good job of updating them to 2.1E (1993). The 2.1E BDL Summary is very handy in listing all the input keywords with their defaults and max/min ranges. For documentation on DOE-2.2,
6 Jul 2006 DOE Geothermal Electricity Technology This report is the technical reference manual for a new tool to help the Geothermal Technologies .. GETEM TECHNICAL REFERENCE MANUAL. Version 1. Jun 30, 2006. 2. This overall approach is very similar to evaluations the DOE Geothermal R&D Programs
The DOE-2 building energy analysis computer program was designed to allow engineers and architects to Applications of DOE-2 include design of energy-efficient buildings, analysis of the per- formance of innovative .. "DOE-2 REFERENCE MANUAL", Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Report. No. LBL-. 8706 Rev.