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Sanjian studio frequency counter manual: >> << (Download)
Sanjian studio frequency counter manual: >> << (Read Online)
31 Dec 2017 Download >> Download Sanjian studio frequency counter manual. Read Online >> Read Online Sanjian studio frequency counter manual 0.1MHz to 65MHz RF 6 Digit Blue Led Signal Frequency Counter Cymometer Galaxy frequency counters a link to the manual and description. 1PC PLJ-6LED-A
11 Jul 2014
9 Oct 2016 This one is long overdue and is a rework of the manual for the PLJ-1601-C frequency counter from the 1-Watter project. I've done the best I can against the original version which you need to have on hand in some places where the translation doesn't quite make sense plj-1601-c-english-translation-v2
24 Jul 2015 This is sold on eBay as 2.4 GHz counter (manual, translated manual). But the one that I bought it has MB501L which is 1.1 GHz !!! The good news is that it has VC-TCXO and it is stable. You can adjust the frequency if you have a frequency standard. You adjust the trimmer next to TCXO. The dynamic range
Download SANJIAN-STUDIO PLJ-1601A FREQUENCY COUNTER service manual & repair info for electronics experts.
Only US$12.23, buy best DIY Red PLJ-8LED-H Digital Frequency Counter Cymometer Tester LED Meter 0.1~1000MHz sale online store at wholesale price.US/EU warehouse. the channel should manually select high frequency measurement. 3.IF settings. Independent double-IF design, adjust the minimum frequency
PLJ-8LED Frequency Counter. User Operating Manual. 9. PRODUCT ORDERING. To facilitate the use of test equipment, Sanjian Studios can supply small quantities for personal purchases. Agents should go to the main page of the Taobao search engine and search for "Sanjian. Studio" or "PLJ-8LED" or they can also
VK3EDW QRSS FSKCW MEPT ARUINO UNO R3, PLJ-8LED-H RF Signal Frequency Counter Module 0.1~1000MHz. Here is a link to a PDF manual which is excellent in content and has been written with input by ZL2PD. ; manual. The module I got (within two weeks of ordering from China) is pretty well spot on using
30 Dec 2015 Description and Parameterization / Menue / Settings of PLJ-6LED Frequency Counter. DL7MAJ, Dec. 30th, 2015 page 1 of 3. Menue for parameterization: ? Measurement should be active; if not: disconnect and reconnect to supply. Start with UPPER or LOWER keys on the back side of the module: 1.