Thursday 20 September 2018 photo 1/3
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Mayhem Of The Music Meister! Full Movie Hd Download
The Music Meister uses his ability to control minds in an effort to take over the world.
I don't even know where to start with this. Clearly the writers took what could have been an interesting episode and made a complete mockery out of it. For those of you saying you liked this episode, I don't know how that's possible. Did you guys even listen to the lyrics? God awful. I usually appreciate the cheesiness of Batman the Brave and the Bold, but this episode simply took it too far. Every other line ends with "I'm the Music Meister!" Really? You couldn't think of anything else to put in there. This is clearly a throw away episode only suitable for children. I show this episode to my friends all the time to torture them for laughs, and every single person I've shown it to has been shocked by how unbearable terrible it is. To this day I've only seen one person who can sit through this entire episode without wanting to vomit all over themselves. "Mayhem of the Music Meister" will go down in history as Batman's darkest moment.
A strange badly dressed villain uses his music to get the heroes to do his bidding.Batman wearing bat ear mufflers is immune and must stop his allies from helping the villains nefarious scheme. Now with the plot out of the way we can discuss the music of this musical episode. Since the episode hinges on catchy clever songs its important to take note the the songs vary wildly from below average through boring to down right appalling.Watching this was painful after the initial buzz of a musical ep wears off (tens seconds in) you quickly realise that the writers have put no extra time or effort into this episode than any other.The songs are really slapped together in a "as long as it rhymes" kinda way. I would suggest watching the buffy episode once more with feeling to know how a musical is supposed to be conducted or failing that you can look up the end of the justice league unlimited episode this little piggy. this however is completely unwatchable