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Vampire Academy Full Movie In Hindi Free Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2ur7
The teenagers Rose Hathaway and Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir are best friend and escapee from the St. Vladimir's Academy for more than one year. When the guardian Dimitri Belikov from the St Vladimir's Academy and his team find the girls, they bring them back to the academy. Rose is a Dhampir, a good half human-half vampire breed that can eat regular food and are trained to protect the Moroi from the evil immortal vampires Strigoi. Lissa is a Princess of the Moroi, a good mortal breed of vampires that feed of blood from donors and is capable to control one of the four elements. When they return, the Headmistress Kirova intends to punish Rose, but the old Moroi Victor Dashkov, who was a friend of Lissa's family, dissuades Kirova from her intent. Lissa dates her outcast schoolmate Christian Ozera but unexpectedly she is threatened by someone that wishes to harm her. Victor's daughter Natalie joins Rose and Lissa to help them to seek out who might be the enemy.
Rose Hathaway is a dhampir, half-vampire and half-human, who is training to be a guardian at St Vladimir's Academy along with many others like her. There are good and bad vampires in their world: Moroi, who co-exist peacefully among the humans and only take blood from donors, and also possess the ability to control one of the four elements - water, earth, fire or air; and Strigoi, blood-sucking, evil vampires who drink to kill. Rose and other dhampir guardians are trained to protect Moroi and kill Strigoi throughout their education. Along with her best friend, Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, a Moroi and the last of her line, with whom she has a nigh unbreakable bond, Rose must run away from St Vladimir's, in order to protect Lissa from those who wish to harm the princess and use her for their own means.
I have read all the books. Entertaining young adult novels, easy to read and difficult to put down. Loved them even though I don't really fit the age category being over 30 and a mother of teenagers. However, I was looking forward to seeing the books come to life. I kept my expectations down, but still, I'm sad to say I was so disappointed. I really, really wanted to like the movie but it fell flat.
I think it would have worked so much better as a TV-show, since the books are really about characters, and in the limited time that a movie has, there is simply no time to develop characters in the way the books do. A whole lot of time goes in to explaining who is who and what and why, and the story's twists and turns come too fast and doesn't have any time to build up any suspension at all. I found myself getting bored and wishing for the movie to end sooner than it did. It is such a pity that it was not developed for TV instead.
I don't know why everyone seems to have a huge problem with this movie! Actually thought the movie was fun and stayed very true to the original book.
I saw a lot of disappointment on the casting of Rose/ Dimitri. I actually thought they did a FANTASTIC job casting. I know in our own minds we all have our own thoughts on what each character will look like, but even the author Richelle said she thought they got the casting right, and it was fantastic. I thought Danila Kozlovsky did a great job as Dimitri. I think he captured the tough, brooding, powerful, and sweet side of Dimitri. When I watched the movie and read the book, I definitely saw Dimitri. I also liked Zoey as Rose. She had a great amount of Sass and brought her character to life, and I did feel the romance blossoming between the two as the movie went on.
Now, that being said...there was a few moments where the writing was just awful or way to corny - maybe that being why some people felt the movie wasn't that great or had a hard time with the actors being pegged for the characters in the book. For example, in the lust charm seen with Rose and Dimitri - even I had a hard time seeing Rose say, " sweet sassy molassey". That was just terrible.
All in all though, I did think the movie did a great job in capturing all the important essences of the book, and I did think they did a great job with the casting. I'm a little disappointed there won't be more movies since the books were so fantastic and we would have more opportunity to see these characters progress on screen....but - For anyone who love the book/series, I do recommend watching this movie it was cute and fun!!
The film is based on a popular series of young-adult books (big surprise), but one figures only die-hard fans will enjoy the result. The movie is slow-witted and moves at a glacial pace.
Yes, the movie is based on the first book in a series of six teen/young adult Vampire Academy books written by Richelle Mead. The books include: (1) Vampire Academy: Blood Sisters (2007), (2) Vampire Academy: Frostbite (2008), (3) Vampire Academy: Shadow Kiss (2008), (4) Vampire Academy: Blood Promise (2009), (5) Vampire Academy: Spirit Bound (2010), and (6) Vampire Academy: Last Sacrifice (2010). a5c7b9f00b
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