Saturday 2 October 2010 photo 1/1
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Ser vilka som kollat och inte kommenterat:/..Soory att det dröjde , men var tvungen att fixa en bild som jag kunde ladda upp , Så snälla kommentera både text och bild,
Im looking for you..<3
The one who hugs me and whispers me I love you , I dont want to be with anyone but you..
The one i cant live without, who will make today better then yesterday and tommorow better then yesterday
Make everyday better then ever when im with her..
There´s something about you, Startin with your eyes something I cant even explain with words
Something that just makes me want to see more and look deeper , discover more.
There´s a shiny spark in there , more sparkling then all the stars together in the sky
Something about your pretty smile who just makes me feel like the whole world smiles at me
The way you say my name , the way you tell me I love you makes me feel weak..
When you are around me, When I hear your name, When i just look at you
I feel how my heart starts to beat alot faster , I can even hear it beat ,Beating in your name..
I feel so alone, I need you i really do.. I want you to be with me..
Love is something beatiful and not supposed to be painful..,Love is something you can´t explain with just one word..
The feeling you feel in your entire body, the beauty of it is impossible to put in words.
When you get that kiss on your lips and then kinda bite your lips together,
you feel something speciel, but you cant explain what it is.
But it doesnt matter it just feels amazing ,
you feel like your in heaven and you dont want to think of anything else but her and her kiss..
I know you will be my happines, But i know for sure that you will take care of my heart because you own it , my heart is yours
Your name is written on it. My Life spells in your name.
I love to be alive just because you exist in the same world , I love to see your pretty smile that makes my heart melt
Love to see you happy,
But i hate when i dont got you here with me , I dont want to be in this world if i cant share it with you..
//Glöm igår, Lev idag som om det vore sista dagen i ditt liv, och be för imorgon Ta ett steg i taget .. //Ihab Chehade
Comment the photo
Tue 12 Oct 2010 18:36
aw så fucking söt du är !
skit fin text , och du vet var du har mig , finns alltid här för diiiiiig !! <33 ;)
skit fin text , och du vet var du har mig , finns alltid här för diiiiiig !! <33 ;)

Sat 9 Oct 2010 01:04
vackraste som skrev vackraste text§

Thu 7 Oct 2010 18:51
aww så fin text ! :) §
så gullig bilde med :) §
så gullig bilde med :) §

Wed 6 Oct 2010 20:37
walla vet ifan, sho bidi fihen haha;D<3
allt bra med dig annars nader?
allt bra med dig annars nader?

Mon 4 Oct 2010 22:01
RIKTIGT fin text Ihab... (y) ♥

Sun 3 Oct 2010 15:29
respekt ! :D<3

Sat 2 Oct 2010 19:33
sööö tilig bror<3

Sat 2 Oct 2010 19:00
snyggaste <3333

Sat 2 Oct 2010 17:29
fin text ihab :)

Sat 2 Oct 2010 17:19
fin text!:o

Sat 2 Oct 2010 16:33
fin text, ! du vet vart du har mig. <3

Sat 2 Oct 2010 16:28
riktigt fin text ihab.. och du vet var du har mig om du vill snacka. <3

Sat 2 Oct 2010 16:33
du tror jag inte läser, klart man läser när det är du som har skrivit haha ;)<3
52 comments on this photo