Saturday 11 September 2010 photo 1/1
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Vi kommer aldrig glömma vad som hände den 11 september 2001.
2595 Människor dog i terrorist attacken mot World Trade Center.
200 Människor hoppade eller föll ut från fönstren.
265 Flygplanspassagerare
343 Brandmän.
60 Poliser.
Resterande 2193 var civila.
Klockan 8:46 lokal tid flög American Airlines Flight 11 in i World Trade Centers norra torn mellan våningarna 93 och 99.
Klockan 9:03 lokal tid träffade United Airlines Flight 175 det södra tornet på sydöstra sidan mellan våningarna 78 och 84.
Klockan 9:58 lokal tid kollapsade södra tornet.
Klockan 10:28 lokal tid kollapsade norra tornet.
Comment the photo
Sun 26 Sep 2010 22:15
World Trade center !
We going remember this day for a long time . 9/11 2001 i was 4 years old when it happend. 2 Airplanes crashed in to the twins tower (called) World Trade Center!-
And every one think it is a terroist attack i think so to.. Many people died in the World Trade Center attack ! .2595 Died in the terroist attack .200 people jump out of the window or fall out from the window.It was 265 in the airplane when te crashed (They died to).
343 Fire men Died!!!.
60 cops died!.
And 2193 civilian died!.
The klock was 8:46 AM local time flyed Americans Airlnes Flight 11 in in tho the World Trade Center North tower between the floors 93 & 99.
The klock 9:03 local time untied Airlines Flight 175 on the south tower south-west between the floors 78 & 84.
At 9:58, local time collapsing south tower.
And at the 10:28 the north tower collapsed!.That was a true sory bout World Trade Center !
Doon this work Linus Petersson!
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