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On our way to the Loos cobalt mine for a guided tour! "Brake Failure"-light is on again... The master cylinder is in good shape indeed! :-)
At the mine, and preparing to go down..
Here we go..
In the mine.
Lots of stairs.
Is it deep?
In the mine.
In the mine..
Old stuff..
Explosives was'nt invented then, so they used fire to heat the rock and make it crack..
Some old mining equipment left behind..
Back at surface level again!
They kept a collection of some items found when they started pumping out all the water and restoring the mine. This place was abandoned for a long time, and (of course) people in the surrounding house
A bottle of Felix Tomatketchup, anyone? They probarbly picked it up at "Hedekas Allköp"... ;P
Got a headache?
Shopped some souvenirs..
Time to leave the mine!
We went to the Loos lake to have a swim.
Wery breezy indeed..
We went to a lake in Hamra instead!
Much better. :)
At the lake.
On our way home I spotted a friend of "Sötnosen". ;)
Loppis-time again!
At home.. Time to cook some dinner!
Wery hard bottle to open.. Especially when the handle broke off! Nick had to use a pair of pliers to get the remaining bits of corkskrew (and the cork) out.. *s*