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Archivo del blog 2017 (5) julio (2) abril (1) marzo (1) febrero (1) 2016 (11) noviembre (7) julio (2) abril (2) 2015 (34) diciembre (1) OPUS CMS 2010 FULL 64 Bits octubre (1) septiembre (19) agosto (5) julio (8) File operations:Search function:Version 9.0a is mainly a bugfix release for Total Commander 9.0Ctrl+Shift+Q: Opens Quick View in separate Lister window, updates contents when going to other file View files of type RTF, BMP, JPG, PNG, GIF, ICO, HTML with internal viewers also in read-protected folders (via DuplicateHandle) Use larger buffer sizes to handle longer blocks of text without line breaks Acerca de mi Pgina principal 639f64c4a4