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who laboratory safety manual
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vii •. The World Health Organization (WHO) has long recognized that safety and, in particular, biological safety are important international issues. WHO published the first edition of the Laboratory biosafety manual in 1983. The manual encouraged countries to accept and implement basic concepts in biological safety and to. Laboratory Safety Advocate for the Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus. I am a Ph.D. chemical engineer and Certified Safety Professional with experience in industrial research, nonprofit management, and chemical safety consulting. My role is to promote a culture of safety at Homewood by. This manual cannot cover all circumstances where safety procedures must be applied; it is intended to set up a framework of how NCBS/inStem/CCAMP personnel/students should work in scientific laboratories. The avoidance of safety risks for the personnel at the institutional level requires knowledge of possible hazards in. Laboratory Safety Office has developed this manual as a guidance document to familiarize UF faculty, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors with the institution-wide policies and procedures for the safe use of hazardous chemical and other material at the University and its affiliates. When these policies and procedures are. Laboratory Safety Manual. 2408 Wanda Daley Drive Ames, Iowa 50011-3602 (515) 294-5359 | Copyright © Reviewed 2017 Laboratory Safety Manual. RkJQdWJsaXNoZXIy OTE0NzY= Give feedback. UC San Diego's online Laboratory Safety Manual for policies, procedures, and services for campus research and teaching laboratories. UC San Diego's Web-based Laboratory Safety Manual, which includes the Chemical Hygiene Plan, must be readily available to laboratory personnel. Laboratory workers are exposed to numerous potential hazards includ- ing chemical, biological, physical and radioactive hazards, as well as musculoskeletal stresses. Laboratory safety is governed by numerous local, state and federal regulations. Over the years, OSHA has promulgated rules and published guidance to. The Office of Environmental, Health, Safety and Risk Management, in partnership with the Environmental, Health and Safety Officer Council and the Office of the Vice-. Chancellor for Research, has developed this Laboratory Safety Manual to minimize the risks associated with lab activity and ensure that CUNY remains in. The Laboratory Safety Manual is a compilation of suggested work practices, protocols, and procedures to work safely in TAMU laboratories. The document is not exhaustive and should not be considered the only reference for health and safety concerns. In addition to this manual,. Environmental Health and Safety is always. 7.0. Workers Compensation. 6. 8.0. Joint Health and Safety Committees (JHSC). 6. 8.1. Rights and Responsibilities of Joint Health & Safety Committees. 6. 8.2. Workplace Inspections. 7. 9.0. Guidelines for Working in Laboratories. 7. 10.0. Universal Precautions. 8. 11.0. WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information. This on-line Laboratory Safety Manual (LSM) provides information regarding protection from health hazards associated with the laboratory environment in accordance with applicable California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal-OSHA) regulations, including the "Chemical Hygiene Plan". The Princeton University Laboratory Safety Manual is a collection of resources for individuals working in research and teaching laboratories. It includes safe work procedures, chemical safety information, laboratory equipment safety information and links to other resources, both from Princeton and other organizations. The Laboratory Safety manual is intended to address universal safety measures for achieving a safe and healthy working environment. It describes good laboratory practices that must be understood and observed by all individuals involved in the laboratory. It describes control measures essential for protecting all laboratory. You are here: Home / Education / For Staff and Health Care Professionals / Microbiology - Clinical Laboratory Manual / Microbiology Laboratory Manual / Laboratory Safety Manual. Info. Share: Laboratory Safety Manual. Microbiology Laboratory Manual. LABORATORY_SAFETY.doc — Microsoft Word Document, 1,433 kB. The Laboratory Safety Manual should be reviewed and populated with the appropriate and current documents outlined in the table below. Links are provided. The types of documents to be included in the Laboratory Safety Manual are listed under each tab. Please note whether the document is mandatory for all University of. Injury and Illness Prevention Plan Building Emergency Plan. Introduction and General Administration · Definitions · The Georgia Right To Know Law · Restricted Purchases - Chemicals and Equipment · Signage · Container Labels · Controlling Chemical Exposure · Training · General Lab Safety · Lab Inspections: Self/EHS · Visitors in Laboratories · Emergency Procedures - Fires, Spills. Welcome to the UW Laboratory Safety Manual (LSM). Please bookmark this page electronically or print a copy of the complete LSM and make it available to laboratory staff. Staff in UW laboratories using hazardous chemicals must have access to a copy of the manual and the supplemental laboratory specific information. This Laboratory Safety Manual has been prepared specifically for UT Austin by Environmental Health and Safety in collaboration with the faculty Research Safety Advisory Committee. The manual promotes safe and practical laboratory procedures. We have included information on the use of personal protective equipment. LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL AND CHEMICAL HYGIENE PLAN. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chapter 1.0 - Introduction. 1.1 Chemical Hygiene Plan Accessibility; 1.2 Laboratory Safety Responsibilities. 1.2.1 Environmental Health and Safety; 1.2.2 Chemical Hygiene Officer; 1.2.3 Deans, Directors, and Department. View the Entire Laboratory Safety Manual here. Main Introduction and Important Phone Numbers · Section 1: General Safety · Section 2: Biological Safety · Section 3: Chemical Safety · Section 4: Waste Management · Section 5: Use of Laboratory Animals · Section 6: Fire Safety · Emergency Response and Incident Reporting. Access Control; Personal Practices; Decontamination of Work Surfaces; Minimizing Aerosols; Use of Laboratory Hoods and Biological Safety Cabinets. Specific Handling Procedures for Hydrofluoric Acid. Hazards – Overview; Dermal Exposure Case Studies; Handling and Personal Protective Equipment; Post-Exposure. The laboratory safety manual (commonly called the lab safety binder) is required to be kept in every research laboratory. All personnel should be familiar with its contents and location in the lab space. It should contain the following: Chemical Hygiene Plan *requires information to be completed and updated on at least an. Last Updated: February 2, 2017 CONTENTS 1. Introduction to Laboratory Safety 1.1 Preparing for laboratory work 1.2 During laboratory work 1.3 Cleaning up before leaving 1.4 Evaluating laboratory hazards, an ongoing process 1.5 Working alone policy 2. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information. Washington State University's Laboratory Safety Manual is a tool to assist responsible parties with developing their laboratory specific Chemical Hygiene Plan and related laboratory safety programs. Implementation of the Laboratory Safety Manual/Chemical Hygiene Plan is a critical element in achieving a safe and. General Laboratory Safety. Manual. Guidelines for the Safe Handling of Hazardous Materials and other Common Laboratory Hazards. Environmental Health and Risk Management Department. Revised February 2006. As a component of the EHSMS, the Chemical & Laboratory Safety Manual provides detailed guidance and procedures outlining the safe operation of all research, teaching, and public service laboratories on the University of Georgia campuses. The manual defines roles and responsibilities, safe laboratory practices, and. Introduction 1.1 Overview 1.2 Elements of the Manual 1.3 Objectives and Regulatory Basis of this Manual 1.4 Roles and Responsibilities 1.5 Enforcement. New York University continually strives to provide a learning, teaching, and research environment free from recognized hazards. Pursuant to Occupational Safety and Health Administration Regulations (29 CFR 1910.1450 and 1910.132) the University established this Laboratory Safety Handbook to protect employees and. Table 1.2. Relation of risk groups to biosafety levels, practices and equipment (WHO. Laboratory Biosafety Manual, 3rd Ed, 2004). Risk group. Biosafety level. (BSL). Laboratory type Laboratory practices Safety equipment. 1. BSL 1. Basic teaching, research. Good Microbiological. Techniques (GMT). None; open bench work. The UCR Laboratory Safety Manual, mandated by the UC Regents Agreement, is a collection of resources for individuals working in research and teaching laboratories. It includes safe work procedures, chemical safety information, laboratory equipment safety information and links to other resources, both. Laboratory Safety Manual. Department of Materials Science and Engineering. The Ohio State University updated 8/15/06. Emergency: phone 9 1 1. (Campus Police, non-emergency…(29)2-2121). Watts Hall: 2041 College Rd. MacQuigg Labs: 105 W. Woodruff Ave. Fontana Labs: 116 W. 19 th. Ave. Koffolt Labs: EJTC:. GSU Laboratory Safety Manual, GSU's Laboratory Safety Manual was created to minimize the risk of injury or illness to employees and students by ensuring that they have the training, information, support and equipment needed to work safely in University laboratories. Laboratory Safety Manual, Geosciences Department. Lab Safety Manual. The Lab Safety Manual is a large collection on a variety of subjects related to lab safety. Within you will find a template for the Chemical Hygiene Plan among other things. It will be parsed out in later revisions to the website, however it is attached in its entirety below. Lab Safety Manual. Environmental. Wellesley College, one of the most excellent institutions of higher education in the country and widely acknowledged as the nation's top college for women, provides its 2300 students with opportunities that prepare them to realize their own highest ambitions and compete in any setting. University of Prince Edward Island Laboratory Safety Manual. Emergency Phone Numbers. For Emergencies: 9-911. UPEI Security: 0384 (9-566-0384). Poison Centre: 9-1-800-565-8161. Acknowledgements. The UPEI Laboratory Safety Manual Committee would like to express a sincere thank you to. Dalhousie University. Yours in Safety. Edwin Mmutlane (BSc, BSc Honours, PhD). FURTHER READING. Furr; A.K. “CRC Handbook of Laboratory Safety", 5th Edition, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. 2000. Hackman, C.L.; Hackman, E.E.; Hackman M.E. “Hazardous Waste Operations & Emergency Response Manual and Desk Reference". Last Updated: April 2016. - Biosafety Manual · - Chemical Hygiene Plan · - Controlled Substance Manual · - Emergency Action Plan (EAP) · - Ergonomics Program · - Hazard Communication Standard · - Hazard Communication Program · - Health & Safety Policies (refer to 550 Health and Safety). - Injury & Illness Prevention. 68. Laboratory Safety Manual. Introduction. The modern clinical laboratory is a workplace where many hazardous chemicals, complex instrumentation, and potential pathogens are encountered on a daily basis. However, the laboratory can be a safe place to work and learn if possible hazards are identified and safety and. August 2017. LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL. Research Service Chemical Hygiene Plan. Table of Contents. SECTION A. Emergency Response Information. To Report an Emergency: SECTION B. Safety Personnel Directory. Research & Development Service. Medical Center. Subcommittee on Research Safety (current). While it is ultimately up to the Principal Investigator or Instructor to decide how best they want to implement safety training in their lab, a great deal of effort has gone into facilitating this exercise by creating standardized general safety manuals, templates for lab-specific safety manuals as well as linking to. If an accident occurs in an instructional or research lab that results in personal injury to a student, visitor, or employee, it is important that supervising faculty/researcher or staff person follow the below noted procedures. Although we strive to be prepared and act safely in the laboratory, accidents can still happen, and it is. The information provided in the UC Davis Laboratory Safety Manual, which contains the campus Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP), has been compiled from a variety of sources. These include people and organizations within the University of California, as well as external sources. This lab manual should be. unique to the work being done in their areas by completing a lab-specific biosafety manual and including all relevant documentation available to laboratory users. In addition, EHS is always available to address health and safety concerns. The ASU Biosafety Manual is reviewed at least annually by EHS. The following policies and procedures are established to provide instructions in maintaining safety for students, staff and faculty while using the nursing laboratory (hereby referred to as "lab(s)") within the CSB/SJU Department of Nursing and off campus clinical setting. These policies and procedures shall be adhered to by. This document describes the safety training required and policies that must be followed to conduct laboratory research in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. It is intended to augment existing CCB and University policies and procedures. Researchers can refer to the Harvard Environmental Health and. Page 2. Laboratory Health and Safety Manual – April 2013. Purpose. This document stems from the Université de Sherbrooke Policy 2500-004 regarding occupational health and safety in the workplace and study environment. The Université de. Sherbrooke is aware of the need to provide its staff and students with a healthy. Animal Safety Icon Biosafety & Biosecurity Icon Chemical Safety Icon Hazardous Materials Icon Lab Safety Icon. This Biosafety Manual represents the institutional practices and procedures for the safe use and handling of biological materials, recombinant DNA and synthetic nucleic acids at Stanford University. NUS GENERAL LABORATORY. SAFETY MANUAL. Document No. : NUS/OSHE/M/06. Version No. : 04. Issue Date : 1 Sept 2010. Revision Date : 15 Jan 2014. Officers in-charge : Ms Gisela Ho. Approved by: Mr. Saravanan s/o Gunaratnam. Science Laboratory Safety Manual can help science teachers, school administrators, district personnel, parents, and others facilitate strategies for safer science investigations. This manual provides guidelines, procedures, and references to help raise the standard of science safety in our nation's schools. Texas Tech University is dedicated to excellence in the scientific laboratory. It is the desire of Texas Tech that all campus laboratory activities are conducted safely to protect the health of employees, students, and the community. To support this mission, the Laboratory Safety Program directed by the Department of. Laboratory Safety Manual. Environmental Health, Safety and Risk Management Department. P.O. Box 6113, SFA Station. Nacogdoches, Texas 75962-6113. Created January 2010. Each laboratory which uses hazardous materials or equipment is required to have a copy of this manual readily available to employees and students in the laboratory along with certain other materials described in this manual. It is important that each laboratory worker be familiar with the contents of the manual and the. Please contact the Department of Health and Safety at 864-3786 should you need to avail of emergency hazardous waste disposal between the hours of 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. For emergency waste disposal pickup after-hours please contact CEP at 864-4100. Program. Laboratory Safety Manual · Chemical. This manual provides general guidelines, procedures and requirements for the prevention of accidents and exposure to chemicals, and is considered the minimum for the safe operation of a laboratory at the University. It highlights sections from the Act that affect the operation of a laboratory and allows the University to meet. An Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard titled "Occupational Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals in Laboratories" was enacted in 1991. This standard requires all organizations with laboratory employees to implement exposure control programs and to convey chemical health. Science Laboratory Safety Manual is a detailed and comprehensive safety manual with ore than 400 information-packed pages. Help improve safety in your school. This manual is intended to be a safety reference document for laboratory personnel at Elizabeth City. State University (ECSU). ECSU conducts academic research and other activities that involve the use of hazardous materials. The purpose of this policy is to ensure compliance with all local, state, and. SAFETY POLICY AND LABORATORY SAFETY MANUAL. Safety Policy: The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Windsor is committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees, students and visitors. Definitions: 1. Supervisor. A person who has charge of a workplace or authority. Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP). MSDS Sheets Online · Hazardous Material Classification Symbols · PDF File Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements by Experiment. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's) - Under development. PDF File Lab Hazard Assessment Tool (adopted from the UCLA Office of.