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Idag (eller i natt) blir det 20 h festival på Världskulturmuseet
Där bla Jaqee och
NM&G spelar
'The only way to get out is to walk faster. The Woman can run. In high heels. Backwards.'
lille mor
Nobody knows me as well as you do
You know how hard it is for me to shake the disease
That takes hold of my tongue in situations like these
'Du har ditt kroppsspråk, jag har mina ord'
'Varje träd har en rot
Varje hus en byggd grund
Det är bara min som ryckts bort från mig
Gud, när ska jag bli fridlyst
Slå upp i en bok
Hon är en ovanlig art
Oggan fyller 18 år idag!
'finish your drink and we'll buy you another one
there's plenty more where that came from we've just begun
so lean your head right back and ponder this
where is it i've been, what did i miss
i feel the ticks i feel the roaches
there's nothing we can do
i fall asleep to the sound of crickets
come feel my skin come touch my hair
there's leeches everywhere
let's stick around for the sec
roses around two oak tree hearts
burn me up and spread the parts
lucky you there's cake and wine
first we mourn and then we dine
hooray, hooray
1. Jag är besatt av låttexter(i allmänhet) och tvingar mina vänner att dela det intresset.
2. Jag kan en massa sjukt onödig fakta.
3. Jag har läst alla Harry Pott
1. Sätt din musik på blanda
2. klicka på nästa knappen efter varje fråga
3. Använd sångtiteln som svar på frågan
1. hur mår du idag?
'Down in the park
And the lust of the light
Among the stray dogs and families
I smell the bonfires, and
Watch the bonbs
Fireworks burst above the trees
The ladder
Is falling
Is out
Of reach
For us now
The golden gates
The closing clouds
The ladder
Has fallen
'Enchanted, enchanted
This magical place that we've found
No one here but us and the sound
Of the stars and the night owls
Your breath and the rolling clouds
Enchanted, I am, by you
Now lo
'The motorway won't take a horse
The wanderer has found a course to follow
The traveller unpacked his bags for the last time
The troubadour cut off his hand and now he wants mine
Oh no, not
'Magpie, was it you who stole the wedding ring? Or what other thieving bird would steal such hope away? Magpie, I am lost among the hinterland, caught among the bracken and the fern and the boys who h
Syster Josie kommer kanske hem nästa vecka, det firar vi med bilder från hennes studetdag!