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Runescape classic combat leveling guide: >> http://bjz.cloudz.pw/download?file=runescape+classic+combat+leveling+guide << (Download)
Runescape classic combat leveling guide: >> http://bjz.cloudz.pw/read?file=runescape+classic+combat+leveling+guide << (Read Online)
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29 Aug 2007 Page 1 of 2 - Favourite training spots!! (F2p) in RSC - posted in RuneScape Classic: This is my list if u have anything to add tell me and I post!! Combat: Guards, Hobgoblins Magic : Prayer : Ranged : Mining : Iron ore(southfally mine) Coal (mining guild obvious) Smithing : WC : Woods Near Draynor
6 Mar 2014
Training is the term used to describe methods of leveling up the various skills. Melee training
Runescape general guides, tips, tricks, hints and strategies on many aspects of Runescape game-play. Runescape Miscellaneous Guides » Melee Training Average XP per hour: 4,320 XP to combat; 1,400 XP to HP. Experience rating: This NPC has an experience rating of 5. Goblins (level-5) Location: Lumbridge
This article is a guide on how to efficiently level up the Attack, Strength, and Defense skills. Unlike in RuneScape 2, many low level monsters are ideal for training combat skills, because they can give over twice as much Hits experience than they have Hits, while most mid to high level monsters give significantly less Hits
This is a runesape classic guide written by djpailo. There were four combat styles in Runescape Classic and, if you've played RS2, they are fairly familiar. Clicking on the You could do some serious damage just by having a high strength level, 1 defence, 40 attack, a rune-2-handed sword and monk clothes. Back in RSC
28 Nov 2010 But I've yet to get 99 on Classic, so this guide is for me as well as you! It is highly recommended to have a combat level over 55 if you're serious about Agility. Agility is unbelievable unfinished on Classic, there's four places to train and no run so it can't replenish your run energy, not to mention lack of more
10 Dec 2009
14 Feb 2005 Training Legitimately - posted in Guides Archive: - Training Legit - By: IxShotGunxI :::::::::::: Table of contents: I. Legit Training II. So here's a guide meant for the specific combat level, and the specific Defense level is in brackets. Animated Axe [80]: Arguably the best training spot in all of Runescape.
Dont call the defence stakers a defence noob! Theyre all the same. You will turn into them soon. They are not noobs cause they have more defence. Now i will explain about mage. In rs classic, getting mage up on a staker is just like getting defence. It will get youre combat lvl up very fast. But why 33 mage?