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Money star origami instructions: >> << (Download)
Money star origami instructions: >> << (Read Online)
dollar bill star origami
easy origami out of money
dollar origami butterfly
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how to fold a dollar bill into a 5 point star
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dollar bill star. Step 1: Start with a crisp dollar bill with the black-side facing up. Fold and unfold the dollar bill in half lengthwise. dollar bill star. Step 2: Fold the dollar bill in half (left to right). Fold the left half in half again to divide it into quarters. dollar bill star. Step 3: Valley fold the top-right and bottom-right corners of the
Photos: Modular Money Origami Star Instructions. Fold your bill in half and unfold again, to make a crease along its full length. Fold both of the corners on the right hand side in to meet the center-line, as if you were making a paper plane. Fold the right point to meet the folded-up bottom-left corner, like this:
3 Mar 2012
28 May 2011
This is an easy origami star of david that can be folded with half of a regular origami paper or a dollar bill.
Photos: Money Origami Star Step by Step. Fold the bill in half lengthwise and unfold again, to make a crease. Fold the top left corner down to meet the crease in the center (marked with a *). Fold the bottom left corner up to meet the top edge, like this: Fold the top left corner down to meet the bottom edge.
Fold a Money Origami Star from a Dollar Bill - Step by Step Instructions.
Fold a dollar bill origami with it! Try the dollar bill So even if you do not have access to a USA one dollar bill, you can still fold these origami by using a piece of paper with those dimensions. Bow Tie · Butterfly · Elephant · Heart · Kimono · Pixie Shoe · Ring · Sampan (Flat-bottomed boat). Shirt · Star of David · Sunglasses
15 Feb 2017 How to fold an origami ninja star out of money to leave as a tip or give as a special gift. Find easy step-by-step instructions and photos here.