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Modtran4 manual lawn: >> << (Download)
Modtran4 manual lawn: >> << (Read Online)
The MODTRAN model simulates the emission and absorption of infrared radiation in the atmosphere. The smooth curves are theoretical emission spectra of blackbodies at different temperatures. The jagged lines are spectra of infrared light at the top of the atmosphere looking down. The total energy flux from all IR light is
This is a comprehensive collection of the major published documents on the atmospheric transmission and radiance models (MODTRAN, LOWTRAN, FASCOD) MODTRAN 3 User Instructions; MODTRAN Documentation.txt; MODTRAN User's Manual Versions 37 and 40; MODTRAN4 User's Manual; Multiple scattering
The MODTRAN® trademark is being used with the express permission of the owner, the. United States of America, as represented by the United States Air Force. Software and manual are completely made in Switzerland. MODO software authored and produced by ReSe Applications Schlapfer. Year of publication: 2011.
MODTRAN® USER'S MANUAL. A. Berk *, G.P. Anderson . The MODTRAN® model includes flux and atmosphere-scattered solar calculations, essential components in analysis of near-IR and visible spectral region data that are not readily generated by LBL models. Technical '8' or 'decayed grass'. '9' or 'maple
User's Manual for. Total Inversion. A Modular Algorithm for Retrieving Ground Reflectance from Calibrated Sensor Radiance. By Lee C. Sanders, Eric Webber and Rolando Raqueno. October 8, 2001,. 1. Table of Contents. 1 Introduction. 2 Atmospheric MODTRAN LUT Generation Steps. 2.1 Create a MODTRAN LUT tree.
MODTRAN Report. 1. 01/11/96. The MODTRAN 2/3 Report and LOWTRAN 7 MODEL. F.X. Kneizys1. D.C. Robertson4. L.W. Abreu2. P. Acharya4 right-hand axis is the tangent height vs zenith angle and the angular diameter of the sun. If the sun is used as the decayed grass, -15 = maple leaf, and -16 = burnt grass.
SMARTS code, version 2.9.5. For Mac OSX. USER'S MANUAL. Christian A. Gueymard. Solar Consulting Services, USA. December 2005. CONTENTS. 1. 51 Dry long grass. LngGrass. NL 0.52-2.48. V. 52 Lawn grass (generic bluegrass). LwnGrass. NL 0.277-2.976. V. 53 Decidous oak tree leaves. OakTree. NL 0.305-
Jun 2, 2001 PcModWin Manual. 10. 1 Introduction. Thank you for purchasing PcModWin. PcModWin provides a graphical environment in which to set up, run, and manipulate model calculations made by the MODTRAN atmospheric code. MODTRAN lets you calculate the spectral transmittance and radiance.
Apr 17, 2000 MODTRAN4 USER'S MANUAL .. (AFRL) report on the MODTRAN band model (Berk et al., 1989), and from the 1996 Spectral grass models. Second, the MDEF value on CARD 1 was previously either 0 or 1. The value 1 was used with MODEL = 0 or 7 to select a single set of pre-stored molecular
North of Australia into the atmospheric propagation model called MODTRAN (MODerate spectral atmospheric TRANsmission). This model is a US MODTRAN 2/3 and LOWTRAN 7 Manual. The Navy Aerosol Model (NAM) is an .. considered were alfalfa, mixed weed and lawn grass. They found that there were marked.