Tuesday 20 May 2008 photo 11/12
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Bekkatrix says:'lucky you!'
You were watching Punch and Judy on the beach, hiding of course, you’re a missing-nin, when someone attacks you! You exclaim that you only want to see the puppets and see a huge puppet in front of you! You demand to know how that is done and Sasori steps out with a blank look on his face. You can’t take your eyes off him because of the wonderful craftsmanship!
He lets you admire him and then takes you back to the Akatsuki base to prove to Deidara that he is right and art should be ever lasting. Deidara argues and you kick his ass! Then Sasori turns you into a puppet so you can be art together, forever!
*asg* Det var endast en person som hade fått samma som mig innan och det var nii-Chan fan va vi e lika ^^
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