Saturday 3 January 2009 photo 1/1
Here's to lowering caskets of old friends,
through choice and consequence we'll birth a new day
with the death of an old and Start over, start over
here's to bearing hatchets with those
who you'd never call your friends
we'll birth a new day with the death of an old and Start over, start over
through choice and consequence we'll birth a new day
with the death of an old and Start over, start over
here's to bearing hatchets with those
who you'd never call your friends
we'll birth a new day with the death of an old and Start over, start over
Comment the photo
Thu 8 Jan 2009 00:16
ja ellerhur,jao den är på riktigt, det är typ vattenstänk från när en golfare skjuter i vatten:P
11 comments on this photo