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Catholics and Canadian Socialism: Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties
by Gregory Baum
This work is an impressive study of the attitudes of the Catholic church in Canada towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social change.
Catholics and Canadian Socialism d
Details:Amazon rank: #505,750bound: 240 pagesPublisher: Lorimer (January 1, 1980)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 0888622945ISBN-13: 978-0888622945Weight: 12.3 ounces
Catholics and Canadian Socialism: Political Thought in the Thirties and Forties Gregory Baum
Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anywayHowever, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study> # Socialisme et Eglise catholique--Canadaa schema:Intangible ;schema:name "Socialisme et Eglise catholique--Canada"fr ;Kollar; Catholics and Canadian Socialism: Political Thought in the Thirties and FortiesOnecanonlyhopethatothers whotakeupthepilgrimage ofthe 556 THE CANADIAN HISTORICAL REVIEW Catholic social conscience, especially in English Canada wherethesubject has beensobadlyneglected, will doaswellBaum'sconclusions are aslimited andjudiciouson the effectsof official rejectionof socialism in Canadaastheyare on the impactof the dissidents themselvesClose You may send this item to up to five recipientsRead moreBaum's creative minorityknewbetter.On theprairiesE.J.Garland,Hector Robrge,andJoeBurtonwereclose enoughtotherootsof the torecognizeandarticulate itscongruence withtheir CatholicismEnter recipient e-mail address(es): Separate up to five addresses with commas (,) The name field is requiredClose Home WorldCat Home About WorldCat Help Search Search for Library Items Search for Lists Search for Contacts Search for a Library Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: or This site uses cookiesWoodsworthwasnot the founder of the FederatedLabourPartyof c in 97 By Damon Mayrl The Market as GodNew York: Paulist Press, 1980Edition/Format: Print book : EnglishView all editions and formats Database:WorldCat Summary: A study of the attitudes of the Catholic Church towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social changeGregoryBaumisprofessor ofCatholic social thoughtatStMichael's College, Toronto.Asthebest-known Canadian interpreterof thenewcurrents flowing from the post-Vaticanxxchurch, he is concernedto provide Canadian Catholics, pressed by a leftwardmovingchurch,with a more useable pastThe author draws on previously inaccessible material to review the hostile response of the Catholic hierarchy to leftist politicsThe author also examines three specific instances - CCF activism in Saskatchewan, the Action liberale nationale in Quebec and the Antigonish Movement - where progressive attitudes were advanced in spite of the church's official attitude21274 bookprintbook Languages: esky Deutsch English Espaol Franais Italiano Nederlands Portugus 2)2D" m , -(A) -(S) You: Sign In Register My WorldCat My Lists My Watchlist My Reviews My Tags My Saved Searches WorldCat: Home About Help Search Legal: Copyright 2001-2017 OCLCBy continuing to use the site, you are agreeing to OCLCs placement of cookies on your deviceEugeneCullinane's sympathies wereinformedbyJacques Maritain'sCatholichumanismThis,however, isasplendid exceptionPlease create a new list with a new name; move some items to a new or existing list; or delete some itemsBy Gregory BaumBaum's virtuosity, however, isdisplayed in thesecond chapterdissecting papalteaching onsocialism, appropriating Pius xz'sdevastating critiqueof industrialcapitalism,while demonstrating the basic contradiction in Quadragesimo Anno(93z)whichallowed thepopeto maintainthebanonsocialism inallitsforms.Baumthendescribes theshoddy research on the new-borncc (theLevesque Reportof 933) whichpaved the way for suchvitriolicdenunciations as ArchbishopGauthier'sfamous pastoralletter of 934ISBN/ISSN: 9781459324732 1459324730 0888622953 9780888622952 OCLC:604580478 The ReCaptcha terms you entered were incorrect Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions WorldCat is the world's largest library catalog, helping you find library materials onlineHowcould it beotherwise? W.LDawson Studies in Church and State Issue Section: Book Reviews You do not currently have access to this articleAllow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private Save Cancel Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this itemAbstract: A study of the attitudes of the Catholic Church towards the challenge of socialism and progressive social change>a genont:InformationResource, genont:ContentTypeGenericResource ;schema:about > ; # Catholics and Canadian socialism : political thought in the thirties and fortiesschema:dateModified "2017-09-01" ;void:inDataset > ;240 pp ffa900202a