Friday 7 November 2008 photo 1/1
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å ja ber om ursäkt till alla Katy Perry fans som kanske tar illa upp av detta inlägg.
oki, its time for me to get into 'critic-mode'.
my god Katy Perry SUCKS ASS!!! (sorry to all the katy fans here)
her clothes (she changed 12 times), most of them, looked hideous. especially the 'carousell' dress.
she wasnt the only one with hideous clothes though, Estelle and Beyonce's dresses lookd ugly aswell.
her sorry excuse for jokes sucked.
personally, I think she made a complete fool of herself.
but YAY to TH for the headliner award :3 we made it happen.
I really thought they were gonna win the best act ever award aswell. it would be fun to see Katy's face when they announced the winner xD
what I dont get though is when Perez named all those nominees and when he got to Tokio Hotel he said 'maybe not so much' (or something similar)? and Katy looked bummed and flipped the award? what was that all about? and that Rick dude? I have no idea who he is. I also thought it was a joke, that they would just go on and announce the REAL winner, but then they went over to ultimate urban and I was like 'huh?? that was it?!'
anyway, at least TH won one of the awards.
Katy Perry sucks
Perez Hilton sucks
Tokio Hotel rocks!
thank you and goodnight.
å ja ber om ursäkt till alla Katy Perry fans som kanske tar illa upp av detta inlägg.
oki, its time for me to get into 'critic-mode'.
my god Katy Perry SUCKS ASS!!! (sorry to all the katy fans here)
her clothes (she changed 12 times), most of them, looked hideous. especially the 'carousell' dress.
she wasnt the only one with hideous clothes though, Estelle and Beyonce's dresses lookd ugly aswell.
her sorry excuse for jokes sucked.
personally, I think she made a complete fool of herself.
but YAY to TH for the headliner award :3 we made it happen.
I really thought they were gonna win the best act ever award aswell. it would be fun to see Katy's face when they announced the winner xD
what I dont get though is when Perez named all those nominees and when he got to Tokio Hotel he said 'maybe not so much' (or something similar)? and Katy looked bummed and flipped the award? what was that all about? and that Rick dude? I have no idea who he is. I also thought it was a joke, that they would just go on and announce the REAL winner, but then they went over to ultimate urban and I was like 'huh?? that was it?!'
anyway, at least TH won one of the awards.
Katy Perry sucks
Perez Hilton sucks
Tokio Hotel rocks!
thank you and goodnight.
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