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How to get a tour guide license in new orleans: >> << (Download)
How to get a tour guide license in new orleans: >> << (Read Online)
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Study Guide for the Professional Tour Guide License: City Of New Orleans [William C. Norris Jr, William Norris III] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The City of New Orleans requires all tour guides giving for-profit tours to pass a test on the history.
27 Nov 2017 Taxi / Tour Guide / Pedicab. Driver's Medical Transportation, General Charter, Sightseeing - to ensure that every City of New Orleans' citizen and visitor has access to safe, efficient, reliable, and accessible for hire transportation. Valid Louisiana Chauffeur's License or Commercial Driver's License (CDL).
1 Jan 2012 All guides must pass a heavy-on-history test even if in the course of talking about ghosts and cocktails they never have to explain that New Orleans was once both a French and Spanish colony. 01mytourguide_1024.jpg Gerald Herbert/The Associated PressTour guide Candace Kagan leads a tour through
3 Dec 2014 Required documents/steps. Completed application. Valid State issued identification card or driver's license. Pass written test on history and culture of New Orleans with a minimum score of 70%. Federal Background Check/Criminal History Report performed by the Louisiana State Police or an FBI-Approved Channeler.
27 Nov 2017 Taxi / Tour Guide / Pedicab. Tour Planner License. Type: License; Classification: Business; Category: Business/Individual, Equipment; Apply online? No. In order to ensure that residents and visitors have options related to tours and hospitality in New Orleans, the City regulates the issuance and renewal of
Hello, I'm interested in taking the test to become a tour guide in New Orleans. I have a Texas driver's license, but was planning on getting a Louisiana state ID (car insurance here is completely outrageous and I would really rather not change all of that over, not to mention the expense involved.) but the
Study Flashcards On New Orleans Tour Guide Test at Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. makes it easy to get the grade you want!
The United States does not have a National Plan for tourism. It is handled by individual states and cities. I live in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. We are one of only a few cities in the United States that does license guides. Our educational requirements are not nearly as strenuous as those in England and Scotland. Basically