Friday 25 June 2010 photo 1/1
I dag så var det den dagen när vår bästa Kändis i hela världen avled =(
Man känner smärtan i hela kroppen.
Det gör ont att tänka idag kl: 12.00
There is a angel up in heaven
He knows evrything
He have a golden heart
Hes life is like a dance on a rose
Hes life is to live on the stage
He save the Earth from the darkness
And do the sun shine down to the World
He gived hes Children a Childhood how he newer had
He taked care of hes Dream to The End
I give you happyness and you give me sadness
I don t know why
Have it good up there my dear Michael
I wish you was here with us on the Earth
All i whant to say that dont realy care aboute us
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