Tuesday 23 December 2008 photo 2/2
haha, igår så kollade jag på jeff dunham : spark of insanity, de var så jävla kul !
t ex: - Walter you pick on your wife all the time.
- yeah i know, mabey i will be reborn as a sensitive guy, and drive a freaking blue prius.
- that is the sadest little car.
- it´s a great car.
- have you ever heard it when your driving by ?
- no.
- it goes iimmmmmmgay.
haha ! ni kanske inte fattar men ! HAHA !
t ex: - Walter you pick on your wife all the time.
- yeah i know, mabey i will be reborn as a sensitive guy, and drive a freaking blue prius.
- that is the sadest little car.
- it´s a great car.
- have you ever heard it when your driving by ?
- no.
- it goes iimmmmmmgay.
haha ! ni kanske inte fattar men ! HAHA !