Monday 1 October 2007 photo 1/1
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(bilden är från min första tävling i fäktning, Norrlandsmästerskapet 2005, exakt två år sen) 1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward after every question. 3. Use the title of the song as the answer of the question (even if it doesn't seem logical.) DO NOT CHEAT! 1. How are you today? We never change (jobbigt, jag vet) 2. How has your day been so far? Mogadishu love theme (Jag gillar den låten så jag tror det är positivt, Music by Em FTW) 3. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning? Mind 4. What is the last thing you'll think before you fall asleep tonight? Up in arms 5. What would your friends name you if they could choose you name? Southern Girl (jag tycker det passar rätt bra) 6. How's your love life? Goodbye My Friend (ja usch) 7. Which song describes the person you love the most? What the hell is love? (eek) 8. How are your friends? Dog door 9. Do your friends like you? 8 Years (åtta år till eller?) 10. What do people see when they look at you? Hellman (Kickass ^^) 11. Do people check you out? We're all going to die (det är nästan lika oundvikligt ^^) 12. Are you good in bed? One more time (Ain't it the truth) 13. Does anybody have sexual fantasies about you? My Head (haha det är kanske lite väl sjukt att ha fantasier om sig själv) 14. Will you always live in Sweden? och jag grät mig själv till sömns eller alla dar 15. How are you going to die? The Wake (ja den handlar ju om en likvaka så...) 16. What would your name have been, if you had been born in the future? Inside us all 17. What song brings you bad luck? An Elf and his Zippo (Unlucky Charms?) 18. Which song brings you good luck? Best Friends Song (som handlar om en kille som vill ligga med hans kompis syrra ^^) 19. Which song describes your looks? Elever (flera elever?!) 20. Which song describes your personality? Lily (My one and only) (sluta upp med alla antydningar att jag är en tjej ^^) 21. How's your life in general? Love (eller inte) 22. How would your life have been, had you made different choices? Know your onion! (jag hade vart lökvetare) 23. What will be the name of your first child? Den döda vinkeln (jag skulle glömma bort att kolla på det, och sen krocka) 24. How is your continued life going to be? Clean (jag gillar positivismen i detta enkla påstående.. men... nej jag tror inte det) 25. Which song describes your parents? She will be loved (mamma?) 26. How is your autumn going to turn out? the blower's daughter (det är faktiskt en jättefin låt utan några som helst anspelningar på oralsex ^^) 27. Is anybody secretly in love with you? In need of something new (jag eller min stalker?) 28. Are you a good kisser? Holier than thou (bättre än du dvs. ^^) 29. Are you taking care of your body? Chased by... i don't know what (när jag tränar är det ungefär så) 30. Do you get enough sex? Main Theme (det är tydligen ett huvudtema i mitt liv.. aja jag är ju kille så) Åh jag skulle vilja flytta runt några så de passade bättre ^^
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Wed 3 Oct 2007 04:06
LOL at Southern Girl! But a big aaawwwww for number six. Seven is just scary O.o
13... Stop fapping by the thought of yourself already! xD
29 fits very good for me too. God, I hate running <.<
But seriously, yours are great, you don't need to move them around. A LOT of them make me laugh ^^
13... Stop fapping by the thought of yourself already! xD
29 fits very good for me too. God, I hate running <.<
But seriously, yours are great, you don't need to move them around. A LOT of them make me laugh ^^

Wed 3 Oct 2007 04:07
haha jag gillar nr. 10. What do people see when they look at you? Hellman
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