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Download Being Evel Full Movie In Hindi Dubbed In Mp4
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r22mj
The real story behind the myth of American icon Robert 'Evel' Knievel and his legacy.
Robert ("Evel") Knievel grew up in a tough mining community in Bute, Montana, where the prevailing philosophy seemed to be to throw a punch first and ask questions later. Gender roles were well-established there: the men had to be aggressive as well as assertive, while the women simply existed to serve them.
This upbringing had a profound effect on Knievel's subsequent life, which was dominated by the desire to prove he was the best. After a successful, if meteoric career selling insurance and motor-cycles, he decided to become a stuntperson. He began by working as part of a team, but soon discovered there was far more kudos attached to working on his own. The Evel Knievel legend was born. With a combination of brash salespersonship and often crazy stunts - that frequently went wrong - Knievel rose to the top of the celebrity tree, making fantastic sums of Money and appearing regularly on big chat-shows of the Seventies hosted by Johnny Carson and Dick Cavett.
Daniel Junge's documentary also shows that he was a deeply unpleasant person. He was serially unfaithful to his wife, and any member of the press unfortunate enough to cross his path was subject to a torrent of abuse. While certainly suffering from insecurities immediately prior to his various stunts, Knievel was also driven by hubris, prompting him to put his life (and family) continually at risk. No one, it seemed, was more important than himself.
His fall from grace was as rapid as his rise. Sentenced to six months in jail for assaulting his one-time publicity manager, he continued to manipulate the media for his own ends, without realizing that they had turned against him. Lucrative contracts were suspended; the girls, gold and glitter evaporated; and Knievel was left virtually destitute.
In his last years he tried to atone for his past behavior, but the documentary suggested that this was equally driven by hubris: why not manipulate the media in another way, even though you might be on the professional scrap-heap? BEING EVEL told a cautionary tale of a celebrity who quite literally did not understand the limits - either of human endeavor or his close associates' patience with him. Despite his enduring reputation, he came across as a rather sad case.
Growing up in the 1970s, Evel Knievel was an almost mythical figure -someone who took incredible risks and seemed invincible. This doco shows us the real man, and Knievel comes out of it appallingly. It's to the great credit of writer/director Daniel Junge that the story isn't sugar-coated. Quite the opposite. Knievel was a criminal as a young man, and also later, and was eventually a boor, a bully, a womaniser..he didn't consider his friends' and family's feelings when he kept doing stunts. It must have been traumatising for them to have to see him get badly injured or only just cheat death. I got the impression he thought he was immortal, that he could never die. Probably he was just very lucky. But his fans had a kind of unreal, godly image of him. He was willing to go further across the line of danger than anyone else. He was witty, audacious and outrageous. Also at times stupid, such as baiting the Hell's Angels until they attacked him. Or breaking his friend's arms for writing an authorised book about him. All his inner circle agree that the book was accurate. In any case, the assault ruined Knievel's life because he lost his sponsors and went to jail. I don't feel the movie got to the heart of what motivated him to be a stunt rider. Maybe it was to do with his parents abandoning him as a child. He did want to be rich and famous. He was clearly mentally ill -- given many of the jumps he did. He was like someone running into a burning house, not knowing what would happen to him, seemingly not caring if he died. The doco interviews just about everyone still alive who knew Evel. And they all trust Junge to tell the story. Many of them tell negative stories but also weird and funny stories. They all seem to respect Junge. I questioned why they stuck by Knievel when many of his stunts appeared suicide missions. And also when he was nasty. A fascinating film about a charismatic and (ultimately) all too human, man.
Being Evel is a warts-and-all portrayal of a man whose ambition and need to be in the spotlight was both a positive and a negative. His insatiable appetites – liquor, women, attention – were parts of his personality that fueled his downfall.
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