Thursday 5 March 2009 photo 1/2
...the blown up- pregnant-gigantic- flying cow!
One day the BPGF- cow was out in the field äting gräs...
She got some special gräs in sig that gjorde henne pregnant.
Because of the chock she svällde upp...
When she tried to krysta ut the bäbis cow she började sväva och nu
flyger hon around in the sky
Just being gravid ko.
The slut.
One day the BPGF- cow was out in the field äting gräs...
She got some special gräs in sig that gjorde henne pregnant.
Because of the chock she svällde upp...
When she tried to krysta ut the bäbis cow she började sväva och nu
flyger hon around in the sky
Just being gravid ko.
The slut.