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Son Of Batman Full Movie Hd 1080p Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2uum
Ra's AL Ghul is dead, slain by former League of Assassin Slade Wilson, aka Deathstroke. His victory is not without a cost, the price his right eye; taken by Ra's own grandson Damien. Fearing for her sons' safety Talia AL Ghul decides now is the time for the boy to meet his father. Half a world away a trail of chemical plant heists finds the Batman catching the culprit in the very act. The thief is Killer Croc, but Croc has changed mutated by some unseen hand. With the shocking appearance of the lovely but deadly Talia, Croc is quickly taken down. Back at Gotham harbor Talia gives the Detective the news of Ra's fate along with the surprise of introducing him to Damien, their son. Talia sets out to handle Slade while Damien falls under the guardianship of Batman. The young man possess great fighting prowess but his cocky self confidence creates friction back at Wayne Manor. Batman's investigation into Croc's actions leads him to the home of Dr. Kirk Langstrom, creator of the Man-bat formula. But Langstrom is merely another pawn serving the ambitions of the League of Assassins and their new leader Deathstroke. Deathstroke takes Langstrom's family hostage moving up the time-table for product delivery. Meanwhile Damien using the Batcave's resources conducts his own manhunt. One of Slade's lieutenant's likes to spend his off time in Gotham. Damien combats the traitor but before he can deliver the final blow, is stopped by Nightwing. Batman impressed by Damien's ability and drive allows him to take up the mantel of Robin. Soon the two are hot on the trail of Deathstroke who is aiming to amass an army of ninja Man-bats. Can Batman teach his new sidekick what it takes to be a hero, leaving behind his murderous past? Or will his greatest challenge yet prove to be for the very soul of the son of Batman.
Batman learns he has a violent, unruly pre-teen son, secretly raised by the terrorist group the League of Assassins.
Historically I'm a big fan of the DC animated series' and movies. There has been a trend in their movies lately that I haven't liked. This was one of my least favorite DC movies. It's not horrible, but it's incredibly sub-par for a number of reasons: 1) Damien is WAY to tough for any 10-year old kid, no matter how well trained. Plus he was just arrogant and annoying.
2) Deathstroke was pathetic in this! First, his voice actor. The guy from Dharma and Greg...seriously?? It was laughable. He was trying to sound all tough and menacing but failed badly. He is supposed to be one of Batman's deadliest enemies, and in fact Batman doesn't often beat him unless he gets lucky or outsmarts him. But in this movie, he's barely a match for a 10 year old kid. Plus, Batman beats him down one time, without even breaking a sweat. Like I said, pathetic.
3) There wasn't any of the classic dialogue we've all come to expect from the DC movies. It was all pretty forgettable.
I won't probably ever re-watch this and I hope they shake things up a bit in the future and stop trying to be so edgy and hard-core. Go back to the way these movies used to be.
Son of Batman is a loose adaptation of Grant Morrison's and Andy Kubert's Batman story arc titled Batman and Son. In which we see as Batman is introduced to his son by Talia Al Ghul ,the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul ,who after an attack of Deathstroke Talia is forced to send Damian (that's who she named him) to Batman. Is the movie good, well yes it is a solid Bat's story with good action, an interesting story and mostly nice characters.
Does it have issues? Yes and I will start with them.
Firstly and more important the portrait of Deathstroke, it is totally inaccurate ,for he is shown willing to kill Damian and been a second in command of Ra's and he cheats in order to kill him. This is wrong on so many levels that I can't right it all down. But to keep it simple Slade was a U.S marine who joined a super-soldier program, became a mercenary and has a strict code of honor. Which means that he would never hurt intentionally children and cheat a fight!
The second issue for me is that the Man-Bat army though an interesting idea to weaponize them ,they are treated as a generic swarm of enemies and not as super assassins. That would be much better and so the full potential of the experiments of Dr. Langstrom!
Never the less the rest are good enough in order to make me not bother to much for those problems.
To start the animation fits perfectly with the brutal fight scenes and the tone of the movie. Now I personally don't like the anime style in DC animated movies but her is done well so I will give it a pass.
Next the story is really good for we see Bruce dealing with the problems of parenthood and I was quit entertain by that as well as the fact he is one of the persons of the world who can understand what it means to have a tough childhood. As he said to Damian"I may had traumas but I had friends and family to keep me down and well, as far as I understand you only had trainers". Truth be told Damian never knew anything else than training so Bat's quote is to the point.
Lastly and that is my personal opinion the voice acting died a fantastic work bringing these iconic characters to life and their portrayal was done ,apart from Deathstroke, in a respective manner to the source material.
All in all here we have a fine DC animated film and if you want go watch it. It has my approval.
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