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Perl cheat sheet with examples: >> << (Download)
Perl cheat sheet with examples: >> << (Download)
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Includes tables showing syntax, examples and matches. I encourage you to print the tables so you have a cheat sheet on your desk for quick reference. The tables are not In fact, for some regex engines (such as Perl, PCRE, Java and .
p) no backtrack; perl -V:ivsize h (?|p|p)branch reset; R linebreak (?<n>p)named capture; S W D H negate g{n} ref
17 Jul 2007 This is the Perl special variable cheat sheet (also known as all the perl's special variables, their description and examples where possible.
2 Jun 2012 Perl Reference Card Cheat Sheet from mishin. This is version 2 .. Examples:
Programming with Perl is fairly straightforward, which runs to the letters you use for file tests. For example, r tests whether a file can be read, and T looks for a text
Perl Cheat Sheet. Functions. Get information on a function by typing, e.g., perldoc -f chomp at the command line. Scalar variables while (defined ($x=<>)) {code}
This is version 2 of the perl reference card. (cl) 2008 Michael Information taken liberally from the perl documentation and various other sources. You may freely
Perl Cheat Sheet: a handy reference EXAMPLE: perl -s -e 'print "$myvarn"' -- -myvar="myval". PerlDoc: PerlDoc: perlreftut, perlref, perldsc, perllol,perldata.
This is a quick and dirty cheat sheet. Global Scalar Variables Eviroment variables that have been defined for the Perl program, %ENV. Send signals to other
1: Perl 5 cheat sheet v6 by Juerd Waalboer, 2: . .. For example, it prevents people from using object with stringification