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14 Mar 2013 CNICINST 5100.3A. N3. 14 Mar 2013. CNIC INSTRUCTION 5100.3A. From: Commander, Navy Installations Command. Subj: BASE OPERATING SUPPORT SAFETY SERVICES. Ref: (a) NAVSO P-1000. (b) CNICINST 4000.1B. (c) OPNAVINST 5100.23G. (d) DoD Instruction 1015.15 of 20 March 2008.
25 Jun 2008 effective overall traffic safety program at their subordinate commands. (3) Submit annual consolidated traffic safety training requirements to Commander Navy Installations Command (CNIC) by the first of November for the following calendar year. i. Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC) shall:.
Asbestos Management Program- CNICINST 5100.1 · Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) · DON Physical Security Instruction for Conventional Arms, Ammunition and Explosives (AA&E)- OPNAVINST 5530.13C · Explosives Safety Instructions · Fire Prevention and Protection Regulations- COMNAVREGMIDLANTINST
This instruction implements policy, assigns responsibilities, incorporates changes in organizational responsibility, and prescribes procedures for the operation of Child and Youth Programs (CYP) on naval installations and in government housing to ensure a healthy, safe environment, and promote quality programs. 1700.9e
CNIC Instructions. If you have a question about any CNIC Instruction, please contact the CNIC Webmaster. 08-Feb-13. 1001.2A, CNIC RESERVE ENTERPRISE OPERATIONAL SUPPORT REPORTING PROGRAM, 29-Sep-17 26-Sep-12. 1740.1, NAVY WOUNDED WARRIOR-SAFE HARBOR PROGRAM, 29-Jul-15.
8 Jan 2015 CNICINST 1752.4. N9. 8 Jan 2015. CNIC INSTRUCTION 1752.4. From: Commander, Navy Installations Command. Subj: SEXUAL ASSAULT CASE .. addressed. SACMG members immediately addressed victim safety in circumstances where victim safety is high-risk per DoD. Instruction 6495.02.
CNIC has selected one safety management software program across its enterprise for Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) data management of mishap reports, training, direct and indirect costs, medical surveillance, hazard analysis, etc. Per RADM Christopher Weaver, CNIC HQ “All CNIC commands and all tenant
13 Jun 2011 CNICINST 5530.5. 13 JUN 2011. 3. Enclosure (1). 2080. Annual Training. 34. 2100. Safety. 35. CHAPTER 3 GENERAL OPERATING PROCEDURES. 36. 3010. General. 36. 3040. Operations Schedule. 36. 3050. Crew OPTEMPO / Crew Rest. 38. 3055. Day/Night Scheduling Requirements. 39. 3060.
Enterprise Safety Application Managment System (ESAMS)- CNIC has selected one safety management software program across its enterprise for Safety and Occupational Health (SOH) data management of mishap reports, training, direct and indirect costs, medical surveillance, hazard analysis, etc. Read more or Login
24 Sep 2015 From: Commander, Navy Installations Command. Subj: NAVY LODGING PROGRAM: NAVY GATEWAY INNS & SUITES LODGING. INSTRUCTION and safety of others. (NOTE: The animal shall be controlled by an adult while housekeeping staff are cleaning the guest room. If the owner is not in the