Tuesday 28 November 2017 photo 4/30
Transx orbiter manual: >> http://ohc.cloudz.pw/download?file=transx+orbiter+manual << (Download)
Transx orbiter manual: >> http://ohc.cloudz.pw/read?file=transx+orbiter+manual << (Read Online)
transx tutorial
orbiter addons
7 May 2011 TransX is a navigation MFD for Dr. Martin Schweiger's Orbiter, allowing the planned multistage trajectories for transfer orbits to other planets
12 Jul 2010
Tutorials. Orbital Operations Manual - by Jared 'Smitty' Smith Orbiter Mars (For TransX) - by Duncan Sharpe Cpt CryBaby's Earth to Mars TransX Checklist.
Everbody says that TransX is the best way to go, so my question is what is the best manual to learn TransX ? Any suggestions?
Created using TransX version 3.09 originally developed by Duncan Sharp. running both the tutorial in a browser window and Orbiter in Window mode.
12 Jul 2010
TransX is a navigation MFD for Dr. Martin Schweiger's Orbiter Space Duncan Sharpe's excellent deep space manual can also be downloaded here.
im new to the TransX MFDand i tried following the manual to get to Marsbut it didn't work..i really want to fly to the moon. but im not sure on
Manual for TransX V3.0 MFD. Author: Duncan Sharpe .. 3.1 Launching the MFD. Either select TransX from the Orbiter MFD menu, or use Shift-J to open it.
TransX MFD самый продвинутый на данный момент инструмент .. является также текущей поверхностной ссылкой (так решено в самом Orbiter)».