Wednesday 4 October 2017 photo 24/28
Jena six petition: >> << (download)
The Jena Six were six black teenagers in Jena, Louisiana, convicted in the 2006 beating of .. Supporters of the Jena Six circulated online petitions, raised money for legal defense, and held a demonstration in Jena on September 20, 2007.
10 Sep 2007 THE FACTS: In a small highly segregated rural Louisiana town of Jena in September 2006, a black student asked permission from school
NYC Petition Campaign to Free the Jena 6! posted by Answer Coalition | 7pt. October 01, 2007. Get involved in New York City! Free the Jena 6! Fire Prosecutor
Tell the people of Jena, La. to stop racism and not to wrongly convict people!! (131 signatures on petition)
Petition for the Jena Six. Friends, please go here and sign this petition: To: Civil Rights Division of the
Its clear that there are some white people who need to be in jail too, but is the petition based on the JENA 6 going free because of instigating related incidents
8 Feb 2015 This image, originally posted to Flickr, was reviewed on 12 November 2007 by the administrator or reviewer Videmus Omnia, who confirmed
Cette image, qui provient de Flickr, a ete verifiee le 12 novembre 2007 par l'administrateur ou l'utilisateur de confiance (trusted user) Videmus Omnia, qui a
Jena Six Petition. As at hundreds of other high schools across America, black and white students at Jena High School in Jena, La., rarely sit together. The white
20 Sep 2007 The Jena Six are a group of black students who are being charged with attempted murder for beating up a white student who was taunting them