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Bloodseeker mid guide: >> http://sse.cloudz.pw/download?file=bloodseeker+mid+guide << (Download)
Bloodseeker mid guide: >> http://sse.cloudz.pw/read?file=bloodseeker+mid+guide << (Read Online)
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2 May 2012 Find top Bloodseeker build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
18 May 2015 "He hits like a truck and moves at the same speed. He just goes straight to the ranged enemy and whacks him." Ok well thanks for explanation. What's the mid build? [Lk].Zano. 2015-05-18. Brace yourselves players who queue in american servers. Bloodseeker is your average peruvian's favorite hero ( ?°
7 Nov 2017 This is your bread&butter skill, it gives you up to 40% extra damage, on EVERYTHING! That means: rightclicks, magical damage (radiance, dagon, etc.), etc, etc. Also the heal works on everything: hand of midas, but also if you put it on Enigma for his Demonic Conversion, Doom's Devour, etc. Be careful
Obviously this is not the only way you can play him but here is why I like this build: Bloodseeker has a very early power spike but doesn't transition well later on with Early/Mid Game items like Eul's, SnY, etc. With this build you farm insanely fast and when I tried it (note this was only one game where I tried
24 Jun 2017
My blade sings for blood! In this video you will learn which abilities you need to max first especially when you are jungling with Bloodseeker. Bloodseeker Guide - Skill Builds. 7.02. Up to Date. Bloodseeker Guide. Total Duration: 1:15:07. Watch First Part for FREE . 10 Tips for Gaining MMR as a Mid Player. 46:24. 13
4 Jun 2013 Find top Bloodseeker build guides by DotA 2 players. Create, share and explore a wide variety of DotA 2 hero guides, builds and general strategy in a friendly community.
8 Jun 2017 ez mid
First of all I am a casual player, so this is not a "pro" guide. Bloodseeker is by far my most successful hero, so I would like to share some of my experience with him. Also your suggestions might surely improve this guide. TOC I Introduction II Skills III Skill build. IV Item build. V Gameplay and strategy. I Introduction Bloodseeker
5 Feb 2018 When laning, Bloodseeker will almost always get Bloodrage level 1 in order to improve his last hitting and harassment ability, but will avoid getting more points in the spell until he has levels and items to mitigate the increased damage he can take. Thirst is maxed out first as to maximize the bonus damage